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Health and Medical Partners Engagement

Health and Medical Partners Engagement

Local Health Departments are the lead response agency for public health and medical incidents. Federally, this is known as Emergency Support Function (ESF 8) and covers a wide array of medical professions and services.

Regionally, the Preparedness Coordinator liaises with other health departments within the District 6 response region and with the District 6 Healthcare Coalition. Both sets of partners can provide needed resources during emergency incidents.

District 6 Map Link (

District 6 Healthcare Coalition Link ( Not connected? Apply to become a member on their website.

Get Involved

If you are affiliated with an ESF 8 organization and would like to connect with expansive planning and response resources, please contact the Preparedness Coordinator. Projects and services include, but are not limited to:

Closed Point of Dispensing Clinics: Ensure your staff and clients/residents receive the medical countermeasures they need in response to a public health incident involving an outbreak or worse. Facilities that have trained medical staff licensed to dispense medication may apply to become a Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) clinic by contacting the Preparedness Coordinator. Closed PODs define to which populations they will dispense medical countermeasures and will receive all required supplies and resources directly from the health department.

Notification Drills and regular communications: Notification Drills are conducted quarterly via different pathways to ensure registered points of contact information remains current. Regular communications are distributed routinely to provide key updates on new or ongoing public health concerns, opportunities for resources, and other pertinent news.

Training events and exercises: The Preparedness Coordinator leads and is part of several community preparedness committees that offer annual training events and exercises. Additionally, you can reach out if your organization or agency would like assistance in planning a training event or exercise.

Howard County Emergency Development Network: Encourages coordination, collaboration, and integration among community partners in Howard County, Indiana for the purpose of planning and executing public emergency drills and exercises with the intent of sharing resources, increasing efficiency, and completing required agency mandates. The Network meets the first month of each quarter on the 4th Thursday. Activities include an annual training event and exercise. Email the Preparedness Coordinator with questions or to join.

Other Resources

CMS Emergency Preparedness and Response Operations:

FEMA ESF 8 Information: