Program options
Individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled, including those who are institutionalized, will be served through one of the following programs:
- Traditional Medicaid
- Hoosier Care Connect
Eligibility factors
- Age - Most programs serve individuals of all ages.
- Disability status - If disabled, your disability must meet the definition of the Social Security Administration.
- Income and assets - See limits below.
Income / family size
Disabled individuals who are institutionalized or eligible for Home and Community-Based Waiver services may qualify with monthly income of up to $2,901. This income standard is based on the individual only; income of the spouse and other household members is not counted. Depending on their countable income, these individuals may be responsible for paying a monthly patient or waiver liability.
Working disabled individuals may be eligible for MEDWorks with slightly higher income and will be required to pay a monthly premium.
Institutionalized, disabled individuals may be eligible with slightly higher incomes and be required to pay a monthly patient liability.
Asset test
Maximum of $2,000 (single) or $3,000 (married) in assets.
What is counted as an asset? This includes items such as a bank account balance, cash on hand, stocks and bonds, and property (other than your family home).
What does not count as an asset? One vehicle, a home (if it is where you live), and burial spaces.