Pending Duke Energy Indiana cases of note include its:
- Cayuga Generating Station CPCN (IURC Cause No. 46193)
- Electric Vehicle Plan (IURC Cause No. 46069)
- Trackers under its approved 6-year infrastructure plan (IURC Cause No. 45647)
In the most recent IURC survey of residential electric bills, Duke Energy's average bill ranked sixth-highest among the electric utilities the IURC regulates.
Base rates cover most infrastructure and operating/maintenance costs while rate adjustment “trackers,” as described below, allow for more frequent rate changes for specific costs as designated by law. The trackers were re-set when Duke Energy's current base rates were approved in June 2020 and are still subject to adjustments every three, six, or 12 months.
Base Rates
For information on Duke Energy's most recent rate case, click here.
Previous base rates for Duke Energy Indiana received IURC approval in June 2020 (Cause No. 45253). Prior to the case, base rates made up about 60% of a typical Duke Energy residential bill. As of December 2023, base rates comprised approximately 97.6% of a monthly residential bill for 1,000 kWh.
The utility's prior base rates were approved in 2004.
In addition to base rates, Indiana electric utilities recover and credit separate, specific costs through rate adjustment mechanisms known as "trackers." Rate adjustments via trackers are reviewed by the OUCC and approved by the IURC on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis.
Duke Energy's authorized trackers make up about 0.1% of a residential customer's typical electric bill as of Sept. 2024.
Duke Energy is authorized to use the following trackers. All filings are available by entering the cause number in the IURC's Online Services Portal.
Tracker Recovers Costs for Frequency IURC Cause No. Fuel Adjustment Clause (FAC) Coal and other fuels Quarterly 38707 Environmental Compliance Adjustment (ECA) Federally mandated compliance costs including emissions control equipment Semi- Annual 42061 Transmission, Distribution, & Storage System Charge (TDSIC) Projects in 7-year infrastructure plan Semi-Annual 44720 Demand Side Management (DSM) Energy efficiency programs Annual 43955 Summer Reliability Adjustment (SRA) Capacity resources needed for system reliability Annual 44348 Regional Transmission Operator (RTO) Participation in Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO) Quarterly 42736 Federally Mandated Cost Adjustment (FMCA) Critical Infrastructure Protection Semi-Annual 44367 Renewable Energy Project Rider Renewable Energy Projects Annual 44932
Additional Cases of Note
Previous Duke Energy cases before the IURC include:
- Rate Case (Cause No. 46038)
- Three-year energy efficiency plan (Cause No. 45803)
- Solar purchase agreement (Cause No. 45907)
- Federal mandate recovery plan (Cause No. 45940)
- Current fuel cost adjustment (Cause No. 38707 FAC 141)
- Coal ash compliance project (Cause No. 45749)
- Financing request (Cause No. 45766)
- Utility Receipts Tax reduction (Cause No. TD-50550)
- Proposed distributed generation tariff (Cause No. 45508)
- 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act investigation (Cause No. 45032)
- Advanced metering opt-out tariff (Cause No. 44963)
- COVID-19 investigation (Cause No. 45380)
- Coal Combustion Residuals rule compliance projects (Cause No. 44765)
- Electric vehicle pilot program - 2019/2020 case (Cause No. 45253-S2)
- Electric vehicle proposal - 2021/2022 case (IURC Cause No. 45616)
- Edwardsport integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant (Cause No. 43114)
- Energy efficiency plans (Cause No. 43955)
Sales Taxes
The seven percent state sales tax applies to all Indiana electric utilities.