The SBOA performs an annual audit of the State of Indiana, as required by IC 5-11-1-25. Annually, the SBOA audits the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which is prepared by the Indiana Auditor of State. Additionally, the SBOA annually audits state federal programs in compliance with the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Compliance Supplement for Single Audits.
The SBOA also conducts procedures on state agencies to supplement the audit procedures conducted for the annual State ACFR and Federal Single Audit, and to ensure proper compliance with the Accounting and Uniform Compliance Guidelines Manual for State and Quasi Agencies. The determination of which agencies will have procedures conducted, and the scope of those procedures, is based on a risk analysis.
The SBOA takes great pride in working with other state agencies to improve the overall accountability and efficiency of state government.
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) - Repeat Findings
Effective July 1, 2017, IC 5-11-5-1.5 (House Bill 1031) went into effect that requires entities audited by the SBOA to submit a Corrective Action Plan for any noncompliance issues that have been repeated from prior reports.
We have created the following guidelines and FAQs in regards to this: 1031 Guidelines
If you need to submit a CAP, please click here.
CAP Template - This is a template of the CAP for your reference, but please remember, you have to submit it online via the link above. For any modifications that are requested by the SBOA, we will contact the submitter via email.
Please submit any questions you have related to this process to CAP@sboa.in.gov.