What kind of leave is appropriate?
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What is disability?
Family Medical Leave (FML)
Allows eligible employees of a covered employer to take job-protected, unpaid leave, or to substitute paid leave if earned or accrued, up to 12 weeks over a 12 month period.
Elimination Period
The Disability program requires that an employee be unable to perform their job duties for a certain time frame prior to becoming eligible for benefits. This time frame is referred to as the elimination period. The elimination period for the Disability Program is thirty (30) consecutive calendar days of disability. Assuming FML eligibility requirements are met, FML runs concurrently with the elimination period
Short –Term Disability (STD)
Paid leave effective after the thirty first (31st) day off work, STD lasts up to six (6) months from the date the employee becomes disabled for a maximum of 5 months of payments. The basic STD benefit is sixty percent (60%) of the base biweekly gross wage, before taxes and insurance. Remember there is a thirty (30) day elimination period in which you can use accrued leave to ensure you stay in a paid status. Assuming FML eligibility requirements are met, FML runs concurrently with any disability designation.
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
If an employee is continuously disabled six (6) months after the disability began, he or she may be eligible for Long-Term Disability. No reapplication is needed, but updated medical information may be requested. For the first two years of LTD, the basic benefit is fifty percent (50%) of the base biweekly gross salary and forty percent (40%) during the third and fourth year. This is the gross benefit amount, before taxes and insurance. Assuming FML eligibility requirements are met, FML runs concurrently with any disability designation.
What are the most commonly asked questions?
Additional Resources
Have a question about Family Medical Leave?
Get your answers by calling the Indiana State Personnel Department’s FML central number: 317-234-7955 or toll-free at 1-855-SPD-INHR (1-855-773-4647)
Benefits Hotline
Contact the Benefits Hotline toll-free at 1-877-248-0007 outside of Indianapolis or 317-232-1167 within the Indianapolis area. You may also email your questions to SPDBenefits@spd.in.gov.