General Eligibility and Forms
US Department of Labor’s Notice to Employees of Rights under the FMLA - This document is required by the US Department of Labor (DOL) to be provided to employees of covered employers. The State of Indiana is a covered employer.
Eligible employees have:
- Worked for the State for 12 months
- Worked 1250 hours in the 12 months immediately preceding the need for leave
- Not exhausted entitlement to Family Medical Leave (FML) in the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)
Leave may be taken for the following qualifying events:
- Birth of employee’s child.
- Placement of a child with employee for adoption or foster care.
- For the care of employee’s spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition.
- The serious health condition of the employee which prevents the employee from performing the essential functions of his/her job.
- Because of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, child or parent is on covered active duty or call to covered active-duty status.
- For the care of a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness.
FML Basics provides additional information about FMLA leaves.
FMLA Leave Certification Forms
Upload forms in the Indiana State Employee Portal or Fax FML forms securely: 317-974-2029.
Approvals to use FML intermittently due to long-term or chronic conditions expire each fiscal year on June 30. New requests and new certification forms must be submitted prior to July 1 to obtain approval for FML absences in the next fiscal year. Unused FML does not carry over to a new fiscal year.
Disability Forms
Full-time employees become eligible for the State’s Short- and Long-Term Disability Plan after completing six consecutive months of active service (without a break in service or an unpaid leave of more than two weeks).
If an eligible employee is pregnant or there is a chance that a leave for the employee's own serious health condition may last more than 30 consecutive calendar days, then the employee must apply for the state's Short/Long Term Disability (S/LTD) Plan by completing and submitting these forms to the address/fax listed on the forms as soon as the need for leave becomes known. This is a separate process and must be completed in addition to the FML process in appropriate situations.
Applying for Family-Medical Leave in PeopleSoft®
Direct Process through the Indiana State Employee Portal is required for all FML requests.
Requests and supporting documentation are accessible only by Absence Administrators: Indiana State Personnel Department’s centralized FML-processing staff and designated HR representatives in non-centralized organizations such as legislative or judicial branch entities and elected officials.