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New Parent Leave

Parental Leave for State Employees

The State of Indiana, as an employer, is dedicated to facilitating opportunities for family time, which in turn improves quality of life in the state by strengthening families and communities.

Benefits also include better infant health and development and increased retention and attraction of the best individuals to serve Hoosiers through improved government service.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is New Parent Leave (NPL)?
NPL is a paid leave available to eligible employees upon the birth or placement of a child for adoption.

Who is eligible?
Employees with 6 consecutive (without a break in service) months or more employment in state service

  • Upon birth of employee’s child.
  • Upon birth of a child to employee’s spouse.
  • Upon placement of a child with employee for adoption.

View more Frequently Asked Questions about NPL

New Parent Leave Help

Information for Expectant Parents

If you are expecting a new addition to your family, whether a biological, adoptive or foster child, you may need time away from work to welcome this new addition to your family. There are several things to do prior to and after your new addition’s arrival and your return to work. The State Personnel Department has some new resources to assist you with this process every step of the way! Included below is the new Expectant Parents Packet which provides answers to your most burning questions about how Family-Medical Leave, the State’s Disability program and Benefits may play a role in your leave. Also, be sure to check out the Expectant Parent Checklist below.

Download the Expectant Parents Packet (Updated version coming soon)

Anthem's Building Healthy Families Program

Becoming a parent comes with countless new responsibilities, and you can never be too prepared for a new baby! The Anthem Building Healthy Families program can provide guidance from registered nurse coaches for all pregnancy-related questions. Whether you need resources on changes to expect during the next nine months, tips to keep mom and baby safe and healthy,  or screenings to determine risk factors, the Building Healthy Families program provides ongoing support to help stay on track. Some additional resources include free phone calls to pharmacists, nutritionists, and other specialists if needed, information on labor and delivery options, and even post-delivery follow-up. Visit or log in to Sydney Health mobile app to get started with the program.

Contact the FML Helpline

If you have additional questions, please call the FML helpline at 317-234-7955, or toll free at State Personnel’s Call Center: 1-855-SPD-INHR (1-855-773-4647) and choose the FML option.

Download a printable Expectant Parent Checklist

Prior to Leave

  • Familiarize yourself with the leave policies and check your balances of Sick, Vacation, and Personal Leaves. See Standardized Policies >
  • If you are eligible for FML, submit a request for FML through PeopleSoft® Self Service. See Family & Medical Leave >
  • If you are the birth parent, submit application for the State’s Disability Plan to JWF Specialty Company. See Disability Forms >
  • Gather documentation supporting placement of child with you by adoption or foster care or medical documentation concerning pregnancy/childbirth and submit promptly.
  • Review your insurance plan(s) and become familiar with coverage and authorization requirements.
  • Meet with your supervisor to give regular status updates on your workload/projects and discuss plans for handling those during your absence.
  • Submit timesheets in advance if accurate information on use of leave time is available or be sure your supervisor knows how (in what order and quantity) you intend to use earned comp time and/or accrued leave during your absence. Read the leave policies to understand any limitations on use of comp time and accrued leaves.

During leave

  • Submit your request for NPL through PeopleSoft® Self Service and upload supporting documentation.
  • Notify your supervisor and JWF Specialty of any changes in your need for leave, such as early or late arrival of your child.
  • Submit a birth confirmation to JWF Specialty with the date you delivered and the type of childbirth delivery – it affects the amount of disability benefits you receive.
  • Submit to JWF Specialty and your local HR office a doctor’s statement releasing you to return to work the same or next day of receiving it. Do not wait until you are ready to return to work if you are taking additional leave beyond your incapacity from childbirth.
  • Call the Benefits Hotline within 30 calendar days of your child’s birth or adoption to add your child as a dependent to your insurance plan(s).
  • Track your leave usage. You are required to report to work for your next regularly scheduled shift after the date in which your leave is exhausted.
  • Notify your supervisor and HR two business days prior to the date you anticipate to return to work.
  • Share your joy and pictures!

Returning to work

  • You cannot extend your leave without submitting a request and receiving approval prior to the expiration of the approved leave.
  • If extension or other additional leave is not approved, you must return to work when the approved leave expires.
  • You cannot perform work until a release is received if your absence was related to your own serious health condition.
  • If you choose not to return to work, then submit a written resignation to your local HR office. Note that your entitlement to continue family-medical leave ENDS as of the date you make known your intention not to return to work.
  • Review timesheets and leave balances.
  • Meet with supervisor to identify any changes in policy/practice that you need to learn and to receive updates and assignments.

Additional Resources