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Designated Outdoor Refreshment Areas

Effective July 1, 2023, Indiana Code 7.1-3-31 authorizes a municipality to create a Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (“DORA”).  A DORA allows individuals who are at least twenty one (21) years old to purchase alcoholic beverages from approved vendors and retail establishments and carry them outside to be consumed within the DORA boundaries.

Establishing a DORA

In order to establish a DORA, a municipal legislative body must adopt an ordinance that includes the following required information:

  • A map of the refreshment area in sufficient detail to identify its boundaries.
  • The boundaries of the refreshment area, using street addresses.
  • The location(s) of the proposed designated retail permittee(s) and temporary vendors within the refreshment area.
  • A statement that the refreshment area is consistent with the municipality's zoning ordinance.
  • The number, spacing, and type of signage designating the refreshment area.
  • The dates and the hours of operation for the refreshment area, which may not violate IC 7.1-3-1-14.

A municipality may not establish more than seven (7) designated refreshment areas within its jurisdiction.

DORA Application Process

Once a DORA is established, the municipality is required to submit the following to the Commission:

  • An application for approval of the refreshment area.
  • The completed designation forms received by the municipality from retail permittees and temporary vendors to participate in the refreshment area.
  • A copy of the ordinance adopted by the municipality under I.C. 7.1-3-31.
  • A map of the refreshment area indicating where designated retail permittees are located within the DORA and where temporary vendors are permitted to operate.

To submit a DORA application on behalf of a local municipality, please click here.

Approved DORAs

MunicipalityDORA NameDORA NumberLocal OrdinanceMap
BargersvilleDowntown DORADA4100033View ordinanceView map
BatesvilleMain Street DORADA6900013View ordinanceView map
BoonvilleBoonville DORA #1DA8700046View ordinanceView map
BrookvilleDowntown DORADA2400029View ordinanceView map
CarmelCentral DORADA2900044View ordinanceView map
ColumbusDowntown Social DistrictDA0300042View ordinanceView map
Fort WayneDowntown DORADA0200012View ordinanceView map
Fort WayneElectric Works DORADA0200017View ordinanceView map
GreensburgDowntown DORADA1600006View ordinanceView map
GriffithGriffith DORADA4500035View ordinance #1
View ordinance #2
View map
HuntingburgDowntown DORADA1900009View ordinanceView map
HuntingtonHuntington DORADA3500047View ordinanceView map
JasperDowntown Social DistrictDA1900008View ordinanceView map
JeffersonvilleOutdoor Refreshment AreaDA1000011View ordinanceView map
KirklinTravelers Point DORADA1200003View ordinanceView map
KokomoDowntown DORADA3400031View ordinanceView here
LafayetteMain Street DORADA7900030View ordinanceView map
LawrenceburgLawrenceburg DORADA1500005View ordinanceView map
LogansportDowntown DORADA0900016View ordinanceView map
MishawakaDowntown Riverfront DORADA7100036View ordinanceView map
New AlbanyDowntown DORADA2200021View ordinanceView map
NoblesvilleDowntown DORADA2900020View ordinanceView map
RichmondDepot District DORADA8900040View ordinance #1
View ordinance #2
View map
RoanokeDowntown DORADA3500028View ordinance #1
View ordinance #2
View map
ShelbyvilleDowntown DORADA7300004View ordinanceView map
SpeedwayMain Street DORADA4900023View ordinanceView map
TiptonDowntown DORADA8000043View ordinanceView map
ValparaisoJourneyman DORADA6400045View ordinanceView map
WarsawDowntown DORADA4300015View ordinance #1
View ordinance #2
View map
WestfieldDowntown Westfield DORADA2900034View ordinanceView map
Winona LakeVillage at Winona DORADA4300010View ordinanceView map
YorktownDowntown DORADA1800007View ordinanceView map
ZionsvilleDowntown DORADA0600048View ordinanceView map