Welcome to the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute Child Seat Safety marketing page for partner agencies and highway safety professionals. On this page, you'll find marketing materials for various campaigns developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Ad Council,Automotive Safety Program and ICJI. These marketing tools offer a way to get involved through traditional media and online media and will be expanded over time.
For the most up-to-date listing of NHTSA marketing materials, click here.
For NHTSA Assets: Are you interested in using these assets to generate awareness in your community throughout the year? Please email Elizabeth at elizabeth.nilsson@dot.gov for more information on this process and to learn more about assets’ availability for donated and paid media usage.
- Brochures
Spanish Brochure (Guía para el transporte seguro de pasajeros en Indiana)
An eight page booklet in Spanish that has general guidelines and recommendations for the various types of car seats and seat belts.
National Center for the Safe Transportation of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Brochure provides information on available adaptive restraints and a brief description of services provided by the National Center for the Safe Transportation of Children with Special Health Care Needs.
Car Safety for Your Child with Autism
Brochure with tips and answers to questions on transporting children with autism.
Car Safety for Your Child with Cerebral Palsy
Brochure with tips and answers to questions on transporting children with cerebral palsy.
Car Safety for Your Child with Down Syndrome
Brochure with tips and answers to questions on transporting children with Down syndrome.
Car Safety for Your Child with a Hip Cast
Brochure with tips and answers to questions on transporting children with hip casts.
Car Safety for Infants Born Prematurely or Low Birth Weight
Brochure with tips and answers to questions on transporting infants born prematurely or with low birth weight.
The Right Seat
8 1/2" X 11" tear-off sheet. Information and illustrations on the 4 steps to buckling up children.
Knowledge Saves Lives (English / Spanish)
Brochure designed to print with pages 3 and 4 upside down, so each language will appear to start from the front once completed and folded.
- Kits
Indiana Buckle Up Bug Club
Everything you need to make a "Bug" kit. This is a three (3) piece kit that includes the following items: a) Activity Coloring Book, b) Paper Bag, and c) Sticker.
El Abrocha-Insecto Club De Indiana (SPANISH)
"Bug" materials in Spanish. Everything you need to make a "Bug" kit. This is a three (3) piece kit that includes the following items: a) Activity Coloring Book, b) Paper Bag, and c) Sticker.
- Posters
The Right Seat (Poster)
18” x 24” poster. Information and illustrations on the 4 steps to buckling up children.
- Flyers
Grandparents & Car Seat Safety
Two sided flyer explaining how to properly install and safely secure a child in a car sat. Geared towards grandparents.
Seat Recommendations: Choosing the Right Seat
Infographic flyer with tips on choosing the correct car seat.Seat Recommendations: Choosing the Right Seat (Spanish)
Infographic flyer with tips on choosing the correct car seat. In SpanishPregnant Women's Guide To Buckling Up
Two sided flyer with tips on safely buckling up while pregnant.
Pregnant Women's Guide To Buckling Up (Spanish)
Two sided flyer with tips on safely buckling up while pregnant.
Car Seat Check - Know for Sure (12x18)
Customizable flyer to promote car seat check event.
Car Seat Check - Stacking Rings (12x18)
Customizable flyer to promote car seat check event.
Car Seat Check - Popsicle (12x18)
Customizable flyer to promote car seat check event.
Car Seat Check - Know for Sure (8x11)
Customizable flyer to promote car seat check event.
Car Seat Check - Locker Room (8x11) Spanish
Customizable flyer to promote car seat check event. In Spanish.
Car Seat Check - Office (8x11) / Spanish
Customizable flyer to promote car seat check event. In Spanish.
- Tip sheets
- DVDs
Special Delivery (bi-lingual Spanish/English)
DVD for caregivers and health care professionals on transporting infants born prematurely or with low birth weight. Provides information on choosing an appropriate car seat, positioning an infant in a car seat, installing a rear-facing seat, and available car beds.
- Marketing Videos
They're Worth It - Carousel
0-2 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Carousel (Spanish)
0-2 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Bedtime
3-6 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Bedtime (Spanish)
3-6 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Minigolf
6-10 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Minigolf (Spanish)
6-10 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Baker
10-13 years old [:15 / :30]
They're Worth It - Baker (Spanish)
10-13 years old [:15 / :30]
Back seat for kids under 13
Spot the Problem (Spanish)
Learn what it takes to keep your kid safe
Learn what it takes to keep your kid safe (Spanish)
Choosing The Right Seat
Not sure how to find the right car seat?
The Wide World of Car Seats
- Instructional videos
Installing a rear-facing car seat
Installing a rear-facing car seat (Spanish)
Installing a front-facing car seat
Installing a front-facing car seat (Spanish)
3 steps to choosing the right car seat
3 steps to choosing the right car seat (Spanish)
Car Seat Installation Instructions - by Type
Car Seat Installation Instructions - by Type (Spanish)
- Banner Ads
- Post Cards
- Guides
- Outdoor Ads
Bus Shelter: Stacking Toy
Donated and paid media
Bus Shelter:
Baby BottleDonated and paid media
Bus Shelter:
PopcicleDonated and paid media
Right SeatDonated and paid media
Locker Room (Spanish)Donated and paid media
(Spanish)Donated and paid media
Baby Car Seat
Donated and paid media
Baby Car Seat (Spanish)
Donated and paid media
Shapes and Sizes
Donated and paid media
Shapes and Sizes
(Spanish)Donated and paid media
- Print Ads
- Social Media Graphics
Static Graphics
Set of 4
Static Graphics
(Spanish)Set of 4
Animated Graphics
Set of 6 GIF / MP4
Animated Graphics
(Spanish)Set of 6 GIF / MP4
Animated Child Safety Social Media Graphics - Seasonal Q3
Horizontal (12) and Square (12)
Animated Child Safety Social Media Graphics - Seasonal Q3 (Spanish)
Horizontal (12) and Square (12)
Animated Child Safety Social Media Graphics - Seasonal Q4
Horizontal (12) and Square (12)
Animated Child Safety Social Media Graphics - Seasonal Q4 (Spanish)
Horizontal (12) and Square (12)
Animated Child Safety Social Media Graphics - Seasonal
Horizontal (8) and Square (8)
Animated Child Safety Social Media Graphics - Seasonal
SpanishHorizontal (8) and Square (8)