DUI: Taskforce Indiana - ICJI funds 350 municipal and county law enforcement agencies throughout Indiana to participate in overtime-funded impaired driving patrols. Patrols are conducted year round. With the participation of the Indiana State Police and the “Operation Pullover” program, DUI enforcement is conducted in all 92 Indiana counties.
Participating agencies are required to be active in the statewide "Operation Pullover" program and each officer is required to be certified in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST). Each task force has a Task Force Commander (TFC) who is responsible for project coordination, data collection and reporting.
The DUI Taskforce Indiana participants will use saturation patrols, multi-jurisdictional efforts, and high visibility enforcement such as sobriety checkpoints to reduce alcohol-related crashes in their counties.
Fatal Alcohol Crash Teams (FACT) adjudicate impaired drivers who have caused crashes involving serious bodily injury or death. A prosecutor is available to consult, train and advise all law enforcement and local prosecutors. Team members are chosen from various agencies across the particular county to ensure that the Team is made of highly trained and the best equipped police officers.
The Indiana State Excise Police, the enforcement arm of the Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission, is responsible for the prevention of underage drinking and eliminating access to alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. The Excise Police manage the “Cops in Shops” and the “Stop Underage Drinking and Sales” programs. The overtime enforcement program targets large events and universities where underage drinking is likely to occur.
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) has a full-time coordinator to formulate strategies and programs statewide in order to strengthen Indiana’s youth program. This program is involved on both the high school and middle school levels throughout the State of Indiana.
The Indiana Prosecuting Attorney’s Council trains the 92 county prosecutors and their deputies in alcohol-related offense prosecution and adjudication. Training and legal updates are also available for the law enforcement agencies that participate in the “Operation Pullover,” “Big City / County,” and “DUI: Task Force Indiana” programs.