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Impaired Driving

CJI’s Traffic Safety Division has taken significant steps to become a national leader in impaired driving prevention and enforcement. From participating in national mobilizations like “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" to providing law enforcement with the training and tools they need, the division continues its work to reduce the prevalence of impaired driving on Indiana roads.

Working towards this goal, CJI has a dedicated program manager overseeing the coordination of Indiana's Standardized Field Sobriety Testing and Drug Recognition Evaluation Training programs. The division is also working overtime to provide education and training to law enforcement, judges and prosecutors, along with making improvements to the state traffic records program through various grant opportunities with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Roadside Oral Fluid Program

The Roadside Oral Fluid Program was created by ICJI's Traffic Safety Division to prevent crashes and save lives. Since the program's launch in December of 2020, the division has provided more than 50 Indiana law enforcement agencies with a new roadside tool to identify and keep drug-impaired drivers off the road. The device, called the SoToxa Mobile Test System, is a handheld analyzer that uses an oral fluid swab to detect the presence of six kinds of drugs: cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates, cannabis (THC), amphetamine and benzodiazepines. Currently, there are just under 200 devices in use in Indiana. Learn more

SoToxa Quiz

For law enforcement officers going through the SoToxa training, click the link below to take the quiz.


Ignition Interlock

CJI has been charged with establishing and implementing regulations for ignition interlock service centers and installation technicians, the installation of ignition interlock devices, requirements for the removal of an ignition interlock device, and administrative procedures for the denial, suspension, or revocation of a certification.

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For assistance, please contact the Ignition Interlock Program Manager.

Harry Dunn

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