The award period for the 2023 SAVE grant shall be April 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023.
Projects should begin on April 1, 2023 and must be in operation no later than 30 days after April 1, 2023. Failure to have the funded project operational within the time allotted may result in the cancellation of the grant and de-obligation of awarded funds. Projects must conclude no later than August 31, 2023. Funding obligations must be made prior to August 31, 2023, and the Final Financial Report submitted via IntelliGrants within 30 days from August 31, 2023 (grant end date).
All program activity must be completed by the end of the approved award period.
Enforcement activities include:
- Traffic patrols using marked and/or unmarked patrol vehicles.
- Investigating stop arm violation complaints from video or submitted report forms.
- Use of team patrols for ride along on buses as a spotter, or a plain clothes spotter vehicle and an enforcement vehicle.
Administrative activities Include:
- Public Information and Education (PI&E).
*Example: Meeting with bus drivers regarding the program and the department(s) involvement.
- Completion of paperwork and reporting.
- Administrative costs are limited to 10% of the total funds expended for the project.
SAVE subgrantees are required to submit quarterly programmatic reports via IntelliGrants and the OPO Database.
- Period One: Due July 31, 2023
Period of Work: April, May, June
- Period Two: Due September 30, 2023
Period of Work: July, August
SAVE Patrols should be listed under “Other Patrols” within the OPO Database.
- Pre post media.
- Program Totals report from OPO Database.
Additional quarterly performance measures, narrative reports, and financial reports should be submitted as directed in IntelliGrants. To validate requests for reimbursement, supporting documents must be included for the reported expenses, to demonstrate “proof of payment” and the details of the expense.
- Officer Activity Sheets (officer signature and second approving signature).
Bus Number and Route Times must be listed on each OAS in the Significant Events Box.
- Employee paystubs.
- Sheriff/Chief letter.
- Personnel Details Report from OPO Database.
- Admin log (if applicable).
*Note: Coordinators for admin time must complete ADMIN time on an ADMIN Log and receive a second approving signature to be accepted for payment.
All grant awards will be monitored by a program manager and/or Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) using a combination of desk reviews and site visits. Additionally, the program manager will review all submitted reports for timeliness and accuracy. Delinquencies and report contents will be addressed as needed.
ICJI staff will conduct an initial screening of the proposal to check for completeness of the application, as well as a risk assessment for all applicants. Funding awards will be determined based on several factors including: school district size, fleet size or number of school buses in use, and the funding requested/spent over the last two years. Eligible applications will be recommended for funding and presented to the Traffic Safety Division Director and ICJI Executive Director for consideration.
Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered for review.