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Local Emergency Planning Committee

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is responsible for keeping records of hazardous materials and reporting them to the county. The LEPCs must establish a plan, receive and disburse information on chemical storage, and conduct exercises of the plans each year.

Reports received from businesses and reports prepared by this committee appear on the Hazardous Waste page of this site.

Committee Members Include

  • Charles Shaneyfelt, Chair, Randolph County HSEM (Emergency Management / Homeland Security)
  • Jay Long, Randolph County Highway (Transportation)
  • Scott Patterson, Randolph County Fire Chief’s Assoc. (Fire Service)
  • Cobie Wells, Randolph County Health Department (Health)
  • Jennifer Hendrickson, Reid Hospital (Hospital)
  • Brad Mullen, Randolph County Emergency Medical Services
  • Mindy Stephenson, Randolph County E911 (Communications)
  • Art Moystner, Randolph County Sheriff’s Department (Law Enforcement)
  • Tom Kerns, Randolph County Commissioner’s (Local Government)
  • Matt Garringer, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Law Enforcement (Environmental)
  • Angie Martin, Randolph Co. Economic Services (Community Services)
  • Deanna Sweeney, Cardinal Ethanol (Industry)

LEPC Legal Notice

The Randolph County Emergency Planning Committee will hold its meetings for 2025 at 8:30 AM at the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department, 155 E. South Street, Winchester, IN, 47394; on the following dates: February 5th, May 7th, August 6th, and November 5th. Additional meetings may be held at such times as shall be authorized by the act of the Committee or its Chair. If a regularly scheduled meeting is canceled, March 5th, June 4th, September 3rd, and December 3rd will be the make-up dates for a preceding month's missed meeting. All interested parties are encouraged to attend

The Randolph County Emergency Plan for Hazardous Materials Incidents, facility safety data sheets, and EPCRA chemical reports have been submitted. Follow-up emergency notices may be issued.

These documents can be reviewed during regular business hours at Randolph County Homeland Security/Emergency Management office, 155 E South Street, Winchester, IN. In addition, all information filed by covered SARA Title III facilities in Randolph County may be reviewed during regular business hours at the Randolph County Homeland Security/Emergency Management offices, 155 E South Street, Winchester, IN., 47394.

Copies of documents may be obtained at these offices, and the Committee may charge a fee for copying. For further information, please get in touch with Charles Shaneyfelt, Chairman, at (765)584-1721.

LEPC By-Laws

Our LEPC by-laws were updated and passed by the committee on February 7, 2025.

Reported Hazardous Materials

There are a large number of fixed-site facilities reporting hazardous chemical substances. Planning for each facility should be carried out by doing a Hazard Analysis. Fixed site facilities report presents levels of inventories via Tier II forms. Analysis of these forms indicates that storing and/or processing hazardous materials poses a limited threat to the general population of Randolph County.


Associated Department: Homeland Security

Meeting Location / Contact Information

The Randolph County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) will hold its 2025 meetings at 8:30 AM at the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department, 155 E. South Street, Winchester, Indiana, 47394, on the following dates: February 5th, May 7th, August 6th, and November 5th. Additional meetings may be held at such times as shall be authorized by the act of the Committee or its Chair.If a regularly scheduled meeting is canceled, March 5th, June 4th, September 3rd, and December 3rd will be the make-up dates for a preceding month's missed meeting. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Sheriff's Office and Jail

Randolph County Sheriff’s Department
155 East South St.
Winchester, IN 47394

Contact Information

For issues for the board, contact Charles Shaneyfelt, Chairman, at (765)-584-1721 or complete the Email the Local Emergency Planning Committee form below.