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Randolph County Sheriff Art L. Moystner leads a staff of 17 full-time and 2 Reserve Deputies enforcing the laws of the state of Indiana as well as a number of staff supporting the Jail and the sheriff's office.

The Randolph County Sheriff Department will be taking applications for full time and part-time jail officers. You may apply by picking up an application, Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm at the Sheriff Dept.

Sheriff Personnel

(765) 584-1721

Art Moystner 68-1
Ken Hendrickson 68-2
Chief Deputy
Josh Geesy 68-3
Tom Pullins 68-4
Jeff Miller 68-5
Tom Honeycutt 68-6
Monte Gaddis 68-7
Jamey Mullens 68-8
Deputy Sheriff
Chad Puterbaugh 68-9
Jordan Alfrey 68-10
Deputy Sheriff
Jason Melton 68-11
Deputy Sheriff
Joshua Dillon 68-12
Deputy Sheriff
Mike Boruff 68-13
Deputy Sheriff/  K9 Handler
Colton Fisher 68-14
Deputy Sheriff
Brandon Martin 68-15
Deputy Sheriff
Brenden Wright 68-16
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff

Jail Staff

(765) 584-1721

Michael Kennedy 68-50
Lieutenant/Jail Commander
Dawn Lankford 68-55
Jail Sergeant
Abby Osgood68-51
Jail Sergeant
Adam Hackler 68-64
Jail Corporal
Angie Price 68-61
Jail Officer
Curt Yost 68-52
Jail Officer
Terry Alfrey 68-69
Jail Officer
Tamara Carver 68-59
Jail Officer
Olivia Caixba 68-58
Jail Officer
Cindy Garringer 68-57
Jail Officer
Brent Greer  68-66
Jail Corporal
Tolbert Short 68-62
Jail Officer
Tina Fox  68-60
Jail Officer
Kristen McCoy 68-53
Jail Officer
Izaiah Mangas 68-56
Jail Officer
Alyson Hickman  68-63
Jail Officer
Zacchary Conner 68-70
Jail Corporal
Jason Parks 68-65
Jail Officer
Colten Daugherty 68-54
Jail Officer
Samantha Herron 68-68
Jail Officer
Ryan Best 68-67
Jail Officer

Sheriff's Office and Jail

(765) 584-1721 or (765) 584-7331