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2006-2008 Child Welfare Services Plan

Title IV-B Part I, IV-B Part II, SSBG, and Chafee Foster Care Independence Program
for year 2006-2008

Questions should be e-mailed to or

  1. Development of the Plan
  2. Principles of Child Welfare Services
  3. Funding Categories, Definitions, Target Population, Case Record Documentation, Desired Outcomes, and Service Access
    1. Prevention and Support Services (Family Support) (IV-B Part I & II)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    2. Crisis Intervention (Family Preservation) (IV-B Part I & II)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    3. Time-Limited Family Reunification Services (IV-B Part I & II)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    4. Adoption Promotion and Support Services (IV-B Part I & II)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    5. Foster Care Maintenance (IV-B Part I)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    6. Adoption Subsidy Payment (IV-B Part I)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    7. Foster/Adoptive/Kinship Parent Training (IV-B Part I)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    8. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    9. Prevention Services (Kids First Trust Fund, Community Based Child Abuse Prevention)
      1. Definition of Services
      2. Target Population
      3. Case Record Documentation
      4. Desired Outcomes
      5. Service Access
    10. Staff Development
      1. Target Population
      2. Documentation
    11. Non Standardized Programs
      1. Documentation
      2. Identifying funding source
  4. Service Standards
    1. Service Standards
    2. Non Standardized Program Specification Grid
  5. Program Proposal Steps
    1. Identifying Prospective Providers
    2. Program Specification Sheet
    3. Distribution
    4. Program Proposal Format
    5. Completed Proposal
    6. Minority Business Enterprise Participation Plan
  6. Evaluation and Reporting Requirements
    1. Progress Report
    2. Annual Evaluation for Regional Services
      1. Title IV-B Part I & Part II, SSBG
      2. Adoption
      3. CFCIP
  7. Region Reviewing and Planning Procedures
    1. Steps to be Taken in Reviewing Program Proposals
      1. Notification of Completed Proposals
      2. Review of Program Proposals
      3. Negotiations
      4. Scoring and Acceptance of Proposals
  8. Completion of Plan
    1. Face Sheet
    2. Coordinator's Check List
    3. Program Summary Sheet
    4. Application for Use of Federal Child Welfare Services Funds (Form 660)
      1. Submission of Plan for Approval
    5. Revision or Additions to Approved Plan
      1. Revision of Approved Plan
      2. New Program Addition to Approved Plan
    6. General Service Delivery
  9. Fiscal Information
    1. State
    2. Region
      1. Regional Records
      2. Council Meeting Minutes
      3. Transfer of Funds
        1. Internal Transfers
  10. Claims Processing/Documentation
    1. Contract Checklist
    2. Time Table
    3. Allocations
  11. Application Forms - i.e. 660 Forms
    1. IV-B Part I, IV-B Part II, & SSBG
    2. CFCIP

Attachment A (in PDF): Revised: December 9, 2005

  • Service Standards
    1. Adoption-Child Preparation
    2. Adoption-Family Preparation
    3. Adoption-Pre/Post-Placement and Post-Adoption Services
    4. Assessment-Parenting/Family Functioning
    5. Chafee-IL Foster Care Independence Program
    6. Chafee-IL Voluntary Services Caseworker
    7. Chafee-IL Youth Advisory Boards
    8. CHINS Parent Support Group
    9. Counseling-Individual/Family
    10. Diagnostic and Evaluation Services
    11. Foster/Adoptive/Kinship Caregiver Training
    12. Foster Family Support Services
    13. Foster Home Studies/Updates/Relicensing Studies
    14. Home-Based Casework Services
    15. Home-Based Intensive Family Preservation Services
    16. Home-Based Intensive Family Reunification Services
    17. Home-Based Therapy
    18. Homemaker/Parent Aid
    19. Mediation-Family Case Mediation
    20. Parent Education
    21. Prevention Services-Communities for Child Safety
    22. Substance Abuse Evaluation, Treatment, and Monitoring
    23. Visitation Facilitation-Parent/Child/Sibling
  • Non Standardized Program Specification Grid

Attachment B (in PDF)

  • Checklist
  • Program Specification Sheet (to be completed by the Child Welfare Services Coordinator)
  • Program Proposal Request for Funds
  • Program Proposal Instructions
  • Evaluation Form
  • Amendment Sheet (for internal use only)

Attachment C (in Word)(in PDF)

  • Service Satisfaction Report (to be completed by DCS Staff)
  • Instructions for Progress Report and Program Evaluation
  • Evaluation Format for Title IV-B Part I, IV-B Part II, SSBG, and CFCIP
    1. Title IV-B Part I and II, SSBG
      • Annual Evaluation Report
      • Annual Evaluation of Service Outcomes
      • Annual Evaluation of Narrative
    2. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP)
      • Face Sheet for Mid-Year Report
      • Code Sheet for CFCIP Demographic Mid-Year Report
      • CFCIP Mid-Year Demographic Report
      • CFCIP Mid-Year Spending Progress Report
      • Services Progress Report Cover Sheet
      • Annual Evaluation Report
      • Annual Evaluation of Service Outcomes
      • Annual Evaluation Narrative
      • CFCIP Year End Program Report
      • Client Tally Sheet

Attachment D (in Word) (in PDF)

  • Face Sheet
  • Program Summary Sheet
  • Application (Form 660)
    1. Title IV-B Part I and II and SSBG
    2. CFCIP with Room and Board Attachment
  • Instructions for Completing Application for Title IV-B Part I, IV-B Part II, SSBG (Form 660)
  • Instructions for Completing Application for CFCIP (Form 660)

Attachment E (in Word) (in PDF)

  • Claims Processing
    1. CFCIP
    2. All Client Based Services
  • Documentation
  • Allocations (will be sent under separate cover)
  • Provider Data Form
  • W-9 Form
  • Direct Deposit Form
  • Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE)
  • Time Table

Department of Child Services
Regional Plan for Child Welfare Services - 07/01/2006 through 12/31/2008