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Social Media

Official DCS Social Media Accounts

Indiana DCS on Social Media

Indiana Department of Child Services-sponsored social media profiles and pages are a family-friendly outlet to promote our agency’s activities, events, and programs. What they are not:

  • A method for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call the Indiana child abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-800-5556.

Our social media team monitors DCS-sponsored social media profiles and pages from time to time. DCS is not responsible for content generated by users and is not obligated to respond to comments.

By visiting our social media accounts, you will be taken to a Web service that is not owned by the State of Indiana and has different privacy and security policies. The State of Indiana is not responsible for, and does not endorse, guarantee or monitor content, availability, viewpoints, products or services that are offered or expressed on non portal websites.

We will remove comments from our social media sites that include the following:

  • Disclosure of confidential information.
  • Obscene, profane, rude or vulgar language or images
  • Personal attacks or offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups
  • Threats or defamatory statements
  • Violent, hateful or racist language
  • Advocacy for any illegal activity
  • Reference to a specific DCS case, child or family (past or present)
  • Off-topic posts, repetitive posts, spam
  • Outdated, inaccurate or misleading information
  • Promotion or opposition to political organizations, campaigns, candidates, or pending legislative action
  • Personal information, including but not limited to addresses and telephone numbers
  • Web links to any site other than the DCS website
  • Advertisements or solicitations of any kind
  • Infringement on copyrights or trademarks

We do not discriminate against any views but reserve the right to remove posts that violate the above policies or that are deemed inappropriate. The DCS social media team reserves the right to close comments at any time on any or all of its social media sites. Repeated violations of our comment policy may cause the author to be blocked from Indiana DCS social media accounts.

July 31, 2018

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Call the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-800-5556 to report child abuse or neglect.