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Service Standard Summaries and Comparisons


Please refer to the DCS Community Based Service Standards for complete information

Note that not all services are available in every county, and additional 'Specialized' services may be available in your area and not listed here.  Please contact your Regional Services Coordinator for further assistance.

Click here for the DCS Service Guidebook

Click here for a guide to creating referrals in KidTraks

Click here to view an instructional Power Point regarding Service Mapping

Click on the Service Title for a detailed description.  The right column is a brief summary, including comparison of similar services as applicable.


DCS Prevention Services Website

Community Partners for Child SafetyThis service is intended for youth who do not have an open DCS or Juvenile Probation Case.  Community Partners provides home based case management services to conect families to resources to strengthen the family and prevent child abuse and/or neglect.
Healthy FamiliesHealthy Families is a voluntary program to promote healthy families through services including child development, access to healthcare, and parent education.  This program is different from Community Partners because of its focus on
Youth Services Bureau/Safe PlaceThis is a voluntary service with a goal of preventing deliquent behavior in teenagers.  There are a variety of services available through YSB.
Children's Mental Health InitiativeThis service is unique because it is intended for children who do not have an open DCS or Probation case.  Services may be similar to that of Cross Systems of Care or Comprehensive services for families with formal DCS involvement.  

MRO Assessment for Elibility

This is a short-term DMHA approved assessment intended to produce applicable diagnoses and a summary of possible CMHC recommended services.  Reassessment may occur with a significant event or change in consumer status, or at least every six months to determine continued need for MRO services.
Family PreservationFamily Preservation is the required service for all NEW In-Home CHINS and Informal Adjustments as of 6/1/2020.  This is an all inclusive service in which one provider uses a foundational evidence-based model to work with the family to meet their individualized and specific needs.  Family Preservation is unique from other services in that it is targeted for all In-Home CHINS and IAs in which the chid(ren) have not been removed from their identified caregiver during the lifetime of the current case.
Homemaker/Parent Aid

Homemaker/Parent Aid is similar to Home-Based Casework. This service is provided by a paraprofessional level staff, rather than a Bachelor’s Degree level staff.  Services are provided at a lower rate than the comparable Home-Based Casework service. Homemaker/Parent Aid services are focused on daily living skills and habilitation activities. 

Home Based Family Centered Casework

Home-Based Casework is comparable to Homemaker/Parent Aid, however this service is provided by staff with a minimum of a Bachelor's degree. Services are provided at a higher rate than the comparable Homemaker/Parent Aid. Home-Based Casework provides assistance and education with rehabilitation, mental health, and skill building.

Home Based Family Centered Therapy

Home-Based Therapy is comparable to Counseling, however services are provided in the home rather than an office or clinic setting.  Home-Based Therapy is less intensive than Comprehensive Home Based Services, Family Centered Treatment, and Functional Family Therapy. If domestic violence is present or suspected, refer to Domestic Violence (Batterers and Victim and Children) services. Home Based Therapy can address substance use education and/or relapse prevention, however addiction services should be referred under Substance Use Treatment services. Note that some providers are qualified to provide evidence based models (otherwise referred in comprehensive services) within the counseling referral.

Child Parent Psychotherapy This home based therapeutic services is focused on attachment and bonding, integrating other behavioral therapies
HomebuildersThis service is similar to Home Based Therapy, but is a short-term, highly intensive service intended to prevent out-of-home placement or support reunification in cases where intensive services are necessary.
Diagnostic and Evaluation ServicesClick for Psychological, Neuropsychologica Testing, Clinical Interview, Psychosexual, Bonding and Attachment, and Trauma Assessment descriptions and comparisons
Parenting/Family Functioning Assessment

This is an in-home evaluation to determine services necessary to improve family function.  This is similar to and may lead to Parent Education services.  

CounselingCounseling is typically done in an office setting, while Home-Based Family Centered Therapy is completed in the home.  Counseling specific to Substance Abuse must be completed under the Substance Use Treatment service standard. Services such as Comprehensive, Family Centered Treatment, and Functional Family Therapy are more intensive than Counseling. If domestic violence is present or suspected, refer to Domestic Violence (Batterers and Victim and Children) services. Note that some providers are qualified to provide evidence based models (otherwise referred in comprehensive services) within the counseling referral.
Functional Family TherapyFFT is provided in the home, rather than office setting. It provides a more narrow range of therapeutic topics than Family Centered Treatment or other therapeutic services because it focuses on conduct, substance abuse, and violence.
Child Hearsay EvaluationThis is an assessment to determine if a child is able to participate in court proceedings.  This assessment does not lead to diagnoses or recommendation for services, as other assessments would.
Medication Evaluation and Ongoing Medication MonitoringThis is a specific assessment to determine if medication is an appropriate treatment option; then ongoing monitoring of the medication to ensure continued appropriateness.


Treatment and Substance Abuse Comparison Chart

Drug Testing and Supplies

This service is similar to Forensic Fluids oral swabs in that it is a one-time drug screen collection. Drug Testing and Supplies screens are administered by a collector and have various method types; whereas Forensic Fluid screens are administered by the FCM and the only method is oral collection.

Random Drug TestingThis service is unique in that it is referred for a true random drug screen collection on an ongoing basis
Substance Use Disorder Assessment

Results  may lead to a variety of service options.  Following the assessment of each client, the service provider shall provide a detailed report to the referring worker, summarizing all information gained in each domain and make recommendations that include any necessary treatment, as well as the treatment modality and length.

Detoxification Services

This service is unique to other services, due to it being short-term with the purpose of allowing the client’s body to withdraw from substances. Residential Substance Use Treatment may be an appropriate step down service after successful completion of Detoxification.

Residential Substance Use Treatment

This service comparable to Detoxification services, due to the services being provided in a structured facility. Residential Substance Use Treatment would not be appropriate if the client is detoxing from alcohol or drugs, but may be an appropriate step down program after successful Detoxification.

Substance Use Outpatient Treatment

This service is comparable to Intensive Outpatient Treatment, due to the treatment being provided in an outpatient setting. Substance Use Outpatient Treatment is less intensive than Intensive Outpatient Treatment. Outpatient Treatment Services are similar to Home Based Therapy, but specific to the needs of those recovering from addiction.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment

This is a more intensive outpatient treatment service for substance use.  This is a structured program consisting of at least three (3) consecutive hours per day of treatment, at least three (3) days per week. A variety of scientifically based approaches to substance use recovery are used in this service.

Domestic Violence Batterer Intervention

This service is offered in a group session only. Batterers Intervention will not replace services such as Counseling, Home Based Therapy, and the provider may recommend other necessary services.

Domestic Violence Survivor and Child Intervention

This service is provided to address the specific needs of Domestic Violence survivors and children, but may include services such as Homemaker/Parent Aid, Home-Based Casework, or Counseling services intended to address underlying needs. Work with the service provider and review their service plan before creating outside referrals - as the same provider may be able to incorporate another service in this referral.

Child Advocacy Center InterviewThis is a one-time, recorded interview of alleged victims of child abuse/neglect, observed by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals.  This service is not intended for treatment or diagnosis.
Day Reporting

Intensive supervision provided to children exhibiting a pattern of delinquent behavior.  Service includes educational planning and community/recreational activities.

Child Preparation

(Preparing a Child For Adoption)

This service would be most comparable to Counseling or Home Based Therapy, but is specific to the needs of child being considered for adoption.

Assessment for Sexually Maladaptive Youth

(See Psychosexual Assessment in D&E)

This assessment includes the clinical interviews and psychological assessment, in addition to the ERASOR or other approved risk measure for sexually maladaptive youth. The assessment report will include any applicable diagnoses and treatment recommendations.

Sexually Harmful/Reactive Youth

This service is similar to Counseling or Therapy, but is specific to Sexual Abuse and is only referrable for sexually harmful or reactive youth (not for adults).  Families may still participate in other therapeutic services, but those specific to Sexual Abuse must be completed under this referral.       

Transition from Restrictive Placement

This service is similar to Home-Based Therapy, or Home Based Casework, but is specific to the needs of children transitioning from a restrictive placement such as a residential facility.

Tutoring/Literacy ClassesThis service is specific to the educational needs of students, and is not comparable to services intended to meet other needs of children and families.
Truancy Termination

This service is similar to Homemaker Parent Aid, Home Based Casework, and Parent Education because it educated parents to increase parenting skills.  Staff providing this service will help the youth and family plan for increased attendance and involvement in school.

Older Youth ServicesClick on the service link to learn more about Older Youth Services (formerly Independent Living), including Collaborative Care and Voluntary Services
Parent Education

Parent Education is most similar to services offered in the Home Based Service Array, however this service is provided in a group setting and follows an evidence based curriculum.  Home Based service providers can incorporate Parent Education Services without a separate referral.

Father Engagement

This service is unique in that it is specific to fathers.  Father Engagement is similar to services such as Parent Education, Homemaker/Parent Aid, Home Based Casework, and Visitation Facilitation.  This service may also include advocacy for fathers. Visitation Facilitation may ONLY be included when other Father Engagement skills are taught and/or developed during visitation time.



Supervised Parenting Time

This service is intended solely for the supervision of parenting time.  It may be used in conjunction with other services, but should not replace Home-Based Casework, Homemaker/Parent Aid, or Therapy.  Use this Decision Tree to help determine if Supervised Parenting Time is necessary

COMPREHENSIVE HOME BASED SERVICES (Created through Service Mapping or staffing with Regional Services Coordinator)

Tiers of Comprehensive Services Chart

Cross-System Care Coordination

Cross System Care Coordination is unique in that the service provider receives a daily per diem and is then responsible for the service and payment of all services for the child and family. Many other services are included within Cross System Care Coordination.  This service is most effective for the child or family with a variety of needs requiring collaboration of service providers.

InterceptThis service allows the family to recieve a multitude of services to address conflict or low family functioning.  Intercept may be referred when attempts at traditional services have not been successful.
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)FFT  provides a more narrow range of therapeutic topics than Family Centered Treatment because it focuses on conduct, teh effects of substance abuse, and violence.
Family Centered Treatment (FCT)FCT follows a specific treatment model.  FCT can cover a wider range of therapeutic services than Family Functional Therapy, which focuses on conduct, the effects of substance abuse, and violence.
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)This service is unique as it applies specifically to youth ages 3-11 with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)This services is similar to FFT and FCT, but is focused on attachment and bonding, integrating other behavioral therapies
Motivational Interviewing (MI) Therapeutic and Non-Therapeutic LevelsThe focus of this service is to help families and clients resolve their ambivilance to change.  This has been shown to be effective in facilitating behavioral changes such as addictions, non-compliance, running away, and inappropriate discipline practices.
Alternative for Families - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AFCBT)This service compares to traditional home based services by addressing healthy parenting practices, enhancing coping skills, and improving family function.  The difference is that comprhensive services are much more intensive and can combine several services into one comprhensive model for the family.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT)This service is more intensive than Counseling or Home Based Therapy because it uses a specific curricula and can comprehensively include other services for the family.
INAJSOP/CBTThis is similar to other Cognitive Behavioral Therapy services, however this is specific to meet the needs of youth hwo have been indicated as exhibiting the need for treatment because of inappropriate sexually aggressive behavior.
AFCBT/CBTThis service combines the AFCBT model with CBT model to address physical and verbal aggression causing ongoing conflict and/or child behavioral problems.
AFCBT/MIThis service combines the AFCBT model to improve relationships with the MI model to address ambivalence to change.
CBT/MIThis service combines CBT to redirect negative emotional reactions with MI to address ambivalence to change.
CBT/TFCBTThis service combines CBT to redirect negative emotional reactions with TFCBT to treat youth age 3-18 who have experienced trauma.
TFCBT/CBT/MIThis service offers TFCBT for youth who have experienced trauma, CBT to redirect negative emotional reactions, and MI to address ambivalence to change
TFCBT/MIThis service offers TFCBT for youth who have experienced trauma and MI to address ambivalence to change


Resource Family Support Services

This service is similar to Home-Based Therapy, but is intended for resource families rather than DCS Client families.  It is similar to Support Group Services for Resource Families, except that this service is provided to individuals or families (rather than group) and occurs in the home or community.

Support Group Services for Resource Families

This is comparable to Resource Family Support Services, but is structured in a group format rather than individual, home based services.