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Juvenile Justice Initiatives

  • DCS
  • Current: Juvenile Justice Initiatives


The Juvenile Justice Initiatives and Support division was created in 2013 to work with juvenile courts and probation officers to ensure youths in the juvenile justice system receive services available to address their needs. This division includes the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) unit, overseeing out-of-state placement of children, and the Central Office Background Check Unit (COBCU).

Probation FFPS Training

Probation Services

Probation Service Consultants Map

probation map

Juvenile Justice Initiatives and Support Resource Manual

This resource manual is a comprehensive “how-to” guide to assist Indiana probation departments with understanding how to gain access to services and/or placements for the youth being served. In addition, the resource manual provides a quick reference to contracted services provided by DCS.

The resource manual is comprised of three sections: placement, services and brief service descriptions. Updates will be provided through monthly emails, Friday notes and maintained on the DCS website in order to bring the most current information to probation departments across Indiana.