The information provided in this manual is intended for the use and convenience of staff and interested persons. References contained in DCS policies that pertain to other State Policies, Indiana Administrative Code, Indiana Code, and/or Federal Law should not be considered a substitute for the actual documents or legal counsel.
Questions or comments on individual policies should be directed to your local supervisor, work unit manager, or Please contact our webmaster if you have any problems using the site.
- Child Protection Team Manual Effective Date 10/1/2021
- Common Terms
- DCS Acronyms
- DCS Safety and ER Operations
- DCS Emergency Operations Plan
- Emergency Operations Plan (Local Office)
- Forms
- Policies Implemented via Admin Letters
DCS Procedures to Implement SPD Policies
- DCS Community Service Leave Procedures Effective 4/1/2022
Indiana Administrative Policy Manual
Download the complete searchable policy manual, last updated on March 10, 2025: Indiana Administrative Policy Manual.
For more recent updates, see the individual policies at the links below, or contact
Human Resources - Personnel
- HR 2-2 Background Checks Effective 7/27/2022
- HR-2-3 Compensatory Time Off Effective 10/1/2020
- HR-2-7 On-Call Effective 9/1/2024
- HR-2-11 Work Hours and Schedules Effective 10/1/2022
- HR-2-13 Team Member Recognition Bonus Program Effective 2/1/2024
- HR-2-15 BSW/MSW Incentive Program Effective 10/1/2019
- HR-2-16 Exception to Degree Requirements for FCM Position 8/1/24
Human Resources - Standards of Conduct
- HR-3-2 Ethics Effective 7/1/2022
- HR-3-3 Political Activity Effective 8/1/2022
- HR-3-5 Supplemental Employment Effective 1/1/25
- HR-3-6 Suspicious Activity and Fraud Reporting Effective 8/1/2022
- HR-3-7 Limited Personal Use of State Property and Resources Effective 5/1/2023
- HR-3-8 Worker Safety Effective 2/1/2024
- HR-3-9 Internal Affairs Effective 9/1/2023
- HR-3-10 Prohibited Volunteer Activity Effective 2/1/25
- Code of Conduct Effective 3/10/2025
- Tool HR-3-A Worker Safety Protocol Effective 2/1/2024
General Administration
- GA-1 Cellular Devices Effective 6/1/2023
- GA-2 Internships and Practicums Effective 3/1/2023
- GA-3 Language Services Effective 6/1/2023
- GA-4 Electronic Equipment Issuance and Return Effective 8/1/2023
- GA-6 Creating Administrative Letters Effective 5/1/2021
- GA-8 Employee Outside Internship and Practicum Effective 2/1/2023
- GA-9 BSW IV-E Scholars Practicum Effective 2/1/2023
- GA-10 Internal Training Effective 5/1/2023
- GA-11 External Training Effective 11/1/2019
- GA-12 Academic Students Expectations Effective 5/1/2023
- GA-14 MSW IV-E Scholars Employment-Based Practicum Effective 2/1/2023
- GA-17 Critical Incident Response Effective 12/1/2021
- GA-18 Contract Modifications Effective 3/1/2023
- GA-19 Procurement Effective 5/1/2021
- GA-20 Procurement Bid Protests Effective 5/1/2021
- GA-21 Fixed Asset Management Effective 2/1/2022
- GA-22 Communications Engagement Program Effective 3/1/2022
- GA-23 Criminal Justice Information System Effective 7/1/2022
External Affairs
- EA-2 Communication with Legislators Effective 5/1/2023
- EA-3 Media Contact Effective 10/1/2024
- EA-5 Constituent Correspondence Effective 5/1/2023
- EA-6 External Publications Effective 11/1/2024
- EA-7 Speaking Engagements, Guest Appearances, and Public Presentations Effective 10/1/2024
- EA-8 DCS-Sponsored Social Media Accounts Effective 10/1/2024