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Adoption Assistance FAQ

Indiana Adoption Assistance Program1
Negotiations for Adoptions Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of the Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) subsidy?2
    The subsidy is intended to promote permanency for a child with special needs by helping cover the cost of the child’s unmet needs when an adoptive parent3 could not otherwise meet them with their own financial resources.
  2. How often are subsidy payments made?
    Payments are disbursed on a monthly basis through direct deposit.
  3. How will my subsidy compare to other families’ subsidies?
    All subsidies are based on the current or most recent Foster Care Maintenance Payment (FCMP) which is determined by the child’s Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) score. Because subsidies are based on identified FCMPs, which draw from the child’s age and CANS score, a child with a higher CANS score will likely receive a higher subsidy than a child with a lower CANS score.
  4. What if my child‘s needs/expenses increase in the future? Can I request a modification?  
    An adoptive family may request a modification no more than once every 12 months post-adoption. A modification may be appropriate if the needs of the child have increased significantly or the financial situation of the family has changed since the adoption such that the current subsidy is no longer sufficient to meet the financial needs of the child.
  5. My child receives subsidy payments, and we are divorcing.  What do I need to do?
    DCS will follow the determination of the court handling the divorce.  Once the court determines what should happen to the subsidy payment, email the divorce decree along with the child's information to  In the event the divorce decree does not address the subsidy, please contact the Central Eligibility Unit to determine next steps.
  6. I’m receiving subsidy payments, but my child no longer resides with me. Does this affect the payments, and what do I need to do?
    To determine the appropriate action, please contact  Subsidy payments are determined and paid to meet the needs of the child.  If the child no longer resides with you and you are no longer providing financial support to the child, you must notify the department by emailing the information to  Payments made for the child’s benefit when the child is no longer in your care and whom you are no longer financially supporting are subject to repayment to the department.  Any questions about this requirement can be directed to the department.
  7. What is the effect of a subsidy on SSI payments?
    The Social Security Administration reduces Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments by the same amount as any subsidy received.


1. The Adoption Assistance Program includes the Title IV-E Adoption Assistance Program (AAP); the State Adoption Subsidy program (SAS); Title IV-E Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP); and State Guardianship Assistance Program (SGAP).

References:  42 United States Code §673, 45 Code of Federal Regulations §1356, Indiana Code §§31-19-26.5 and 29-3-2, 465 Indiana Administrative Code §4, Indiana Department of Child Services Child Welfare Policy Manual Chapters 10 and 14, Indiana Adoption Program Desk Guide, and the Children’s Bureau Child Welfare Policy Manual. 
2. Subsidy includes post-adoption per diem and guardianship assistance per diem.
3. Adoptive parent includes person(s) who are adopting foster child(ren) or child(ren) who are otherwise eligible for Title IV-E adoption assistance.