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The qualifications criteria for a direct worker in the pre-post placement and post adoption services require a bachelor’s degree and "Three years experience in adoption? Would that include three years of experience with adoption related issues?

Working with Child Welfare adoptive families, performing HBS with children with plans of adoption, Training in adoption issues

We have provided Post adoption and Pre adoption services for the past 6 years now that adoption services has been linked can we continue to provide those services without being a licensed child placing agency.

Yes, See further information under - Link

The following statement was included in the 2006-2008 standards, pg 9 under billable units:“The SNAP will sign a recommendation form that the contractor submits with  their claim for payment.  Contractors will be paid for their work without regard to approval or denial of the family preparation” The previous statement defining when claims may be filed is not included in the new standards – p. 9. Will the recommendation form for claiming/billing continue to be approved and signed by the SNAP Specialists at the SNAP Regional Team meetings?

We are no longer doing approvals for “foster to adopt” placements.  SNAP will not sign recommendation forms for home studies that are not presented at team. 

The 2009 – 2011 service standards for Family Preparation state on pg. 9 that the contractor must receive a referral from the county to provide the family prep and upon completion submit the family preparation to the referring county. The contractor must also present the family preparation and receive approval by the SNAP Regional Team and submit the same to the SNAP council. The service standard does not speak to the contractor’s management and support to the adoptive family beyond this point. It appears that support for the family would be possible by an additional IV-B referral for pre/post adoption support services but that support according to the standards is limited to respite care, home based and support group services. Since the contractor’s relationship with the adoptive family appears to end with the completion and approval of the family preparation by DCS and SNAP, who will be responsible for providing on-going adoption services not covered under Pre/Post   Placement and Adoption Services to the adoptive family and how will these  services be paid? Such services would include but not be limited to matching and yearly updates of family preparations / home studies.

Our recommendation is if an LCPA is going to provide Family Preparation, that a bid be made for ALL services under adoption for continuity.  In regard to updates or Family Preparation, that is cited on page 10 under Target Population.

Please define “within 60 days of the referral” on page 10. Is this the date the DCS worker has typed on the referral or the date the agency actually receives it?

Making the assumption that this provider is still asking questions on Adoption.

Date on the referral.

In order to provide adoptive, step-parent, custody and foster parent home studies, must the agency be a Licensed Child Placing Agency (LCPA) or will DCS continue to be allowed to sign off on the studies for non-LCPAs?

The county DCS can approve home studies.

Under Adoption-Child Prep, using a Lifebook is required. Is this a specific lifebook or can it take any format? If it is a specific Lifebook, will DCS be providing it to agencies?

DCS have lifebooks ordered and usable for any agency that may require a supply.  

Under Child Preparation, a goal is “95% of adoptions will be finalized within one year of placement.” Providers have no control over this timeline, as it is dependent upon the family and the court. Will providers be held to this outcome measure?

Obviously, there will be exceptions, but the providers will be held to this measure.

Goal number 3 (page 5) of Adoption Child Preparation calls for successful transition for the child and family. Is this the role of the provider or DCS?

Both.  Best practice should be used here. Providers will obviously assist more in a role in the community and home.

 Another goal under Child Preparation is that children over age 4 will verbalize their understanding and acceptance of the adoption process. Is this developmentally possible for four-year old children?

The previous standard had them drawing a picture. 

It is requested that children age 10 and up complete a satisfaction survey under Child Preparation. The one currently required is not geared for children. Will DCS be preparing A User Friendly Form for children or will each agency use their own?

This too is not a change from the 2006-2008 standards. Providers may make up their own tool.

Please define what is meant by “several home visits” under Family Preparation.

Best practice would show that the more support a family has in transition of a child in the home, the more stable it may become. How many visits should be determined by the provider and the need of the family.

Please clarify:  Foster and Kinship families do or do not sign/provide comments prior to submission of a homestudy to DCS? Also, please clarify:  Only the homestudy goes to DCS (as stated in the RFP) or does supporting documentation go as well?

Families should sign and edit/comment on home studies. The home study should be submitted to DCS.

Goal 4 #2, page 10: Will the DCS offices provide all contractors with listing of post adoption services available, including names and numbers of the selected providers?

They are available upon request

Are the regional SNAP meetings and the Indianapolis SNAP council meetings considered to be the same as “Child and Family Team Meetings” for billing purposes


Under pre post placement and post adopt services, it states that FTF client contact within 10 days is required. Does that mean business days or calendar days? What if the scheduled date of the support group (the service being provided) or the respite date (the service being provided) is beyond that 10 days?

For those particular activities, respite and support groups, you will not be held accountable for that time line in the service standards. 

Please clarify your service expectations for RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) support.

In the service standards RAD is used as a specific service example that can be addressed through Respite, HBCM, or Support Groups.

Pre and Post placement in adoption category – qualifications for staff state requires Bachelor’s and description states Master’s level person. Which is correct?*

We reviewed and cannot find this discrepancy you are stating.  DCS is only asking for Bachelor’s Degree with 3 years of Child Welfare/Adoption experience.

At the bidder’s conference there was something mentioned about LCPAs and Adoption services.  There is no mention of it in the RFPs.  What is the relationship? (e.g. Do you have to be an LCPA to apply for certain services?)

Only LCPA's and the DCS can approve home studies.

In the standards section for Family prep and step parent and custody studies, can you clarify what routine report writing is?  Studies are usually 12-16 pages in length and take 4-6 hours to write. Since this written study is part of the service and final product, can we bill for those 4-6 hours of report writing?

There is a standard tool for foster/adopt home studies.

Are pre and post adoption service proposals mandatorily linked to other adoption services? Or, can an agency propose for pre and post adoption services as stand-alone services?

Not mandatory. Can stand alone.

Under service categories- all adopted children and adoptive parents:

Question: Are these children who have been adopted and are now back in the CHINS system or does this refer to post adoption finalization counseling?



Question: Are foster to adopt and children being adopted by relatives included?


Question: How many sessions will be authorized or will there be a cap on sessions?

Best practice ideals should be used.  “What is best for the child?”

Question: When will services start: prior to termination, or after termination?


Question: If services start prior to termination, will it be expected that birth parents are able to contribute to the program?

This is a child based service but best practice measures should be used.

Question: Will the state supply one standard life book to be used throughout the state, or is it the responsibility of the contractor to provide the life books?

DCS has life books available

90% of the children prepared will move into an adoptive home:

Question: What is the time frame on this move, immediately following prep services?

That is determined by the child’s readiness.


If the placement disrupts will services be reinstated?

This service may be re-instated by DCS.

Under Goal 3: The person doing child preparation has no control over the recruitment of the families for a particular child.

That is not always true. A provider preparing a child may need/want to be involved in family interviews or recruitment due to the issues that are discussed with the child and their needs.

In order to meet the goal of “90% of the children prepared will move into an adoptive home,” would it be appropriate to assume that all children referred for this service will already have an adoptive home selected by the county when referred for service.

No, that should not be an assumption.  The child may just have been exposed to the TPR and adoption and need some more intensive understanding and help with transition

Under Goal 3: “95% of the adoptions will be finalized within one year of placement”:

Will it be the responsibility of the county DCS worker to notify the agency that completes child preparation as to when an adoption is finalized so that this information can be tracked?

The agency should inquire to DCS as to the date.



Service Description:

Background check for persons age 14-17:  It is our understanding that only the CPS checks can be requested for minors. This point asks for State/Sex Offenders and Local Law Enforcement Checks.

Will the contractor be able to access/obtain State/Sex Offenders and Local Law Enforcement Checks for minors?

DCS has a policy for this age group, which is only a CPS check should be conducted for minor children between the ages of 14 and 17.  This can be done through your local county office

1.     Child Protection Services History (from other states of residence within past 5 years).

Question: In order for the contractor to meet preparation deadlines, will the County DCS obtain these records and include them with the initial referral?


Question: If not, will extensions be permitted to the contractor when CPS record requests have not been responded to by the CPS agency in a timely manner?


Who will add the families to the Sharepoint website of approved families?


Since the contractor completing family preparation is asked to present home studies at the adoption team meeting held in the region and to the SNAP council in Indianapolis, will the contractors be reimbursed for mileage to attend these meetings?

Mileage should be rolled into your rate

Question: Can contractors bill for face-to-face time under each represented client for attending these meetings and presenting these families?


Question: Since family assessment services must be completed within 60 days of receipt of a referral, would it be appropriate that that all families referred for home studies will have already successfully passed the criminal history checks, including fingerprinting and the completion of FAKT training prior to a referral?

It would be appropriate, but not always an occurrence.


Since the family assessment must be completed within 60 days of receipt of a referral, is it safe to assume that the counties and state will support an agency’s request to give families 2 weeks to complete their paperwork?

It would be appropriate, but not always an occurrence.

Under Goal # 4, DCS and family awareness of available services, will the local DCS offices be maintaining and providing this list of services to families they refer?


Please clarify what this means: “families will be supported through collaboration with the provider and DCS through the adoption finalization process within a year.”

The provider and DCS will work together to have a successful and healthy adoption finalization

Under Family Assessment, “Several home visits” is noted in the first sentence –

Question: Will one longer visit suffice for outlying counties where travel time greatly exceeds travel time for local home visits?

Best practice should be used in the need of the child.  A child may need more visits or one long visit may be enough


It appears that the contractor is held responsible for “pre-placement family support services as well as serving as advocate for the family throughout the adoption process” (P. 9). If the family has no identified match, can this be done at this point?

Yes, a provider can advocate for a family at SNAP meetings/council, if a specific child fits that families profile. 

Foster/Adopt Families and Pre-Adopt Families:  reads “An agency representative should also be presenting the family at the SNAP Council in Indianapolis.” (P. 9)

This is over and above the regional SNAP Team: Can this presentation be made by the SNAP Coordinator?

The presentation should be made by a representative of the provider. To help with questions, it should be someone familiar with the family

Service Access:  Referrals “are valid for 12 months,” but the service has to be completed within 60 days (30 for ICPC).”

Question: When there is a delay beyond the contractor’s control (such as client not timely with paperwork, delays in receipt of criminal history checks, etc.), does this mean the contractor is to continue to request an updated referral or is there another way to deal with this?

An updated referral should be requested. This may be an indicator to DCS as to the dedication of the family.  It can be the provider and DCS working together to gauge a family’s commitment.



Reminder” (P. 19) – What is meant by “routine” reports? Is this a reference to statistical data or to the actual home study/assessment which, by nature of the service, is essential to assuring its delivery?

Standard home study report


The service description notes three different areas: respite care for adoptive families, home-based services, and support group services.

Can an agency contract only for one of the three areas under this service description?

Yes, the provider needs to be specific in the proposal as to which services they will provide


What is the expected relationship between the IVB Adoption Services and the Adoption Recruitment Services RFP 8-40?

No official relationship

Adoption – Child Preparation

Goal #1

Is the initial assessment and service plan a specific form/format or is this determined by the specific contracted agency? 

Determined by the contracted agency

Goal #2

What is meant by “draw a version of an adopted family”?  Is this a created picture that is to be submitted with the other documentation?

This is the child’s representation of their family.  What does it look like to them?


Goal #3

Will the contracted agency be penalized due to delays in the legal proceedings causing adoptions to extend over one year of placement?

Not if all that can be handled or advocated by the provider is done for the service.


Goal #4

Will the contracted agency have access to the “Service Satisfaction Report” on an ongoing basis

On a requested basis


Billable Units

Family Preparation

Under family assessment, is the referenced “challenges checklist” a state form and if so where is this found?  If not is this to be developed by the state or the contracted agency?

Most agencies develop their own tool or research tools that are the best for their purposes

Under Goals and Outcome measures, Goal #1, item 2) please clarify that home studies will be provided within 14 days after the family is approved by the Regional ______ ?  This seems to be incomplete in there is no specific entity following Regional.

Regional SNAP team

In Goal #3 how is the families “understanding” to be quantified to be in compliance with this outcome goal?

Does the family understand the adoption process and how adoption is handled in Indiana

Pre/Post Placement and Post Adoption Services

Home-based services:

Is this expected to be “linked” with the IVB “Family Centered Services” program?


Please clarify reference to “counseling” as the direct worker requirements do not support direct therapy services as outlined by State credentialing requirements for direct or group therapy services.

The wording should be “case work services”.

Support Group Services

Is the “support group leader” expected to comply with the “direct worker” qualifications?

This could start this way, but may be started and transitioned to someone of experience with group dynamics

Are the different speakers referenced expected to attend each scheduled group or is it appropriate for the direct care worker to facilitate this support group?

Direct care worker can facilitate.


Goals and Outcome Measures

What format are the “written service plan” and “quarterly written summary” expected to be submitted in, if any?

No format is required at this time.

Goal #2 item 1 – Does the 95% standard apply to all pre/post adoptive parents in the state or only those who are directly referred to this program?

Those who are directly referred to the program

Goal #3 – Do the contractors efforts to engage a family to participate in support group services fulfill this requirement if a family chooses not to attend support group services to spite contractors best efforts?


Case Record Documentation

To what degree, if any, is case record documentation for service eligibility to be submitted and to whom?

Monthly reports are submitted to the referring DCS office.

Step-Parent Adoption Studies and Custody Studies

Case Record Documentation           

What is the DCS approved format for Step-parent adoption or custody study?

The same as foster/adopt home studies

How can an agency guarantee 100% participation in the support groups ?

This measure is only for “requesting” adoptive families.  Provider should keep a log of attendance of requested families and volunteer. 

How are contractors to be paid for the provision of adoption pre-placement and matching services throughout the adoption process as required in the service standards for family preparation when family assessment services must be completed within 60 days?

It should be built into their face to face rate.

Under Step Parent Adoptions and Custody Studies on pages 18 and 19, it states certain documents can be waived. What documents can be waived

Please contact your local SNAP specialist for this information.

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