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Foster Family Support Services

Since the foster parent support group meetings are to be held at DCS, will DCS also be providing the space there for the child care?

The support group meetings are not “required” to be held at DCS.  If space if available and appropriate then the local office  would probably make it available. Alternate site can be utilized. It is up to the provider to find the space to have these group meetings.

Are there any guidelines for the child care services or those providing it under Foster Family Support Services?

Anyone providing childcare at support group meetings must pass a criminal history and CPS check.

How will providers receive updated information and biographical information on DCS staff that is required for the newsletter? Will each DCS have a contact person to provide this information?-----(ASSUME THIS IS FOR THE SERVICE STANDARD FOSTER FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES. Provider did not say.)

The provider will need to contact the local office for this information.

The “Target Population” lists licensed foster/kinship parents yet the “Service Access” says prospective foster families are eligible. Please clarify who is eligible for Foster Family Support Services.

Thank you for noticing this inconsistency. VIII. Service Access will be changed immediately to read “Service can only be accessed by the target population as identified by DCS either verbally or in written form”. 

Outcome 2 #1 under Foster Family Support Services says “100% of foster families report that they believe DCS respects what they do.” This is not under the providers control, so how can providers be responsible for this?

Please use best practice in developing an environment offering respect to foster families.  

Does “other goal directed interventions via telephone” include the required monthly phone contact as listed in the service standard for Foster Family Support Services?

All contacts should be goal directed and regarding group topics.  

Has the state determined a specific number or range of foster homes that are considered the maximum number one full time worker can serve, especially when much of the service time required is not currently billable?

No, not at this time.

Who will process the criminal history checks and CPS checks for childcare providers? 

Provider will be responsible for making sure this is completed.

It states that the FFSC will work with all licensed foster families by the County being served.  Does this include private agency foster parents as they do contact the FFSC at times concerning things like transferring their license, being on the respite list, etc.?

The intent is the DCS foster parents.

The first paragraph says there will be bi-weekly contact but number 6 in the same section states there will be at least monthly contact.  Which is the expectation?

Service standard states the support group “may include at least one training hour per meeting and bi-weekly phone contact”.  The stated minimum in #6 is monthly phone contact.  

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