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General Fiscal

Will the State consider a one-month advance payment at the beginning of the new contract?


The previous service standards capped the number of hours which could be billed for certain services. For those services with maximum hourly rates established, is there a cap on the number of hours which can be billed?

Not unless stated in the Service Standards.

The current child welfare services contracts were signed by the state in November, 2006, four months after the start of services. Providers are not provided with claim forms to bill for services without signed contracts.  Only one month of services at a time can be billed. Will providers still be expected to deliver services without signed contracts?  If so, will providers be allowed to bill in a timely manner for services delivered in good faith without a contract, or will providers be expected to carry the costs of delivering services that cannot be billed for several months?

Services being proposed are to be delivered during the defined contract period (January 1st, 2009 – June 30th, 2011).

It is the intent of DCS to have contracts fully executed prior to the contract start date. Providers deliver services prior to having a fully executed contract at their on discretion..

What is the expected face to face

time for an average homestudy (first time foster, relicense foster, step-parent/custody study)?

The State has not established an "expected" number.

Can face-to-face supervision time include telephone time?


Is this funding relative only to insurance cases or to all cases?

*  It is our understanding (and it’s been made very clear to us) that if we accept insurance for a case  sent to us from Dearborn County that we are not allowed to accept or balance bill as this  is illegal.  Most insurances only pay a small portion of what we charge for an evaluation and expect us to write off over half.   We have never filed insurance for our Dearborn County  cases as they are court and criminal related and most insurances do not accept claims for court related work  We want to completely understand if you are now asking that we file insurance and then bill or request funding from you for our balance. We are very concerned about the above question as we don't want to put our practice in legal jeopardy.

This would vary between private pay insurance companies and providers and it is the providers’ responsibility to understand these contracts/agreements with private pay insurers.

Will Substance Abuse Assessments be billed under Substance Abuse or under Diagnostic and Evaluation?

Substance Abuse


We were advised at the bidders conference that Diagnostic and Evaluation costs have a Non-PhD level and a PhD level, how do we differentiate between the two.

There is no differentiation per the standards; rate structures are based on the cost providers incur to provide this service.

D&E The standards as they currently read only allows for face-to-face services with clients.  A psychologist must spend time administering, interpreting, reporting and even testifying in addition to face-to-face services.  A typical Medicaid reimbursement allows for face-to-face time with the clients plus units for the additional time spent for each test.  Example:  An MMPI would involve one-hour of face-to-face time with a client plus and additional two to three hours for administration, interpretation, and reporting.  We request that we be allowed to bill for time for the process of testing and not just the face-to-face.

It is possible get reimbursed for those expenses. We just want them included in the in the face to face rate.

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