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IL QUESTIONS – (Programmatic)

Page 25 of  the transition services standards requires that the worker meet the youth “at least one time a month in their current placement during months following referral and then weekly in the month prior to case dismissal.” If the provider is not notified by DCS of the case dismissal, will the provider be held accountable for meeting this expectation?

No, the provider will not be held accountable for information that they never received.  However the provider should be maintaining contact with the DCS as well as the youth and be mindful of the timeline that is projected by the FCM.

Under Chafee FC Independence program can youth be referred for Transitional Services if the two transition conferences (at 17 and 17.5 years old) to be held by the DCS actually have not occurred? Will DCS provide copies of these plans and meeting minutes to the provider?

A provider may request a copy of the  Transition Tool Kit

Most young people today use cell phones. Is a landline phone definitely required if using Room and Board funds?


Since No Shows are no longer billable under Chafee, and we know that this population has higher incidents of No Shows, can the provider set the limit on the number of No Shows it will accept before closing the case?

IL services are mandatory. It has been generally accepted practice in Indiana to stop services after 3 No Shows and contact the DCS worker for help in deciding the next steps.

Although the service standard lists the staff requirement as Bachelor Degree, can well experienced non-degreed personnel be considered for the Chafee IL services?


Service standard states for youth 18 - 20 that they "will be offered...counseling..."  Does this mean if a provider has a qualified therapist that the IL program may offer counseling services to non wards?

If there is a need for counseling the provider will assist the youth in obtaining counseling.


Transitional services:  Purpose of Services states "meet at least 1 time a month in their current placement".  As this reads, IL providers are allowed to meet with transitional youth more than 1 time a month if necessary...correct?

A provider may meet more than once a month if needed.  That need will be determined by the level of service on the referral.

Target population:  In the sections discussing the eligibility requirements state for case management services, it does not state anywhere that the youth must have turned 18 in foster care, only that they must have spent at least 6 months in foster care between the ages of 16-18.  Therefore, by these requirements a youth who turned 18 in detention, but spent at last 6 months in foster care should be eligible for case management services?

This is correct.  A youth that is in detention on their 18th birthday is still eligible for case management services.

Target population:  Eligibility for case management services states that a youth must have been in foster care for 6 months between the ages of 16-18.  It does not state if the months must be consecutive.  Can the months spent in foster care be non-consecutive?

There is no requirement that states that the months have to be consecutive.  The six month requirement is collective

Goals & Outcomes:  It states that providers must have face-to-face contact with youth within 10 days of referral.  What if IL provider has received the referral, but not the case plan...can we begin meeting with the youth without the case plan?  Also, if we have a case plan, but it does not indicate IL services, do we have to wait to meet with the youth until we have a copy of the proper case plan?

There is no requirement that states that a provider must have a case plan in order to begin services.  A case plan for a youth 16 and older that is in care will automatically state Independent Living. 

Concrete Services:  What form is used for DCS approval?

What specific services can be purchased?

Can “goods” be purchased also?  If so, what goods in particular?

The following form gives this information. If you can not find this on the DCS website, talk with one of the IL Specialist.


In providing experiential learning opportunities, under Life Skills and Social Skills Services, is it appropriate to facilitate this learning in a group setting or is this service expected to be provided one-on-one with client in the community setting?

Both situations may be appropriate.  Services are tailored to the youth’s IL Plan.  Although groups may occur a provider is still expected to work one-on-one with the youth.


Under the Target Population are children who are placed though the county office, in a therapeutic foster home (LCPA) not eligible for case management services through CHAFEE funds? 

These youth are provided with IL services through their placements.  This population of youth becomes eligible for Chafee services when they become 17 ½ years old.

Are the Voluntary Services reports referenced in Goals and Outcome Measures to be completed in a standard format or is this done by contractor discretion? 

All Voluntary Services Report must be filled out on the standard form.  No other format will be accepted

Currently significant staff time is used to review referrals for errors and obtaining corrected referrals. In addition, our staff is often assisting DCS staff with completing the correct paperwork for services to be obtained for IL youth.  Will IL training be added to the FCM/Probation officer training to minimize referral errors?

Training is available

Should room and board assistance be decreased following the current guideline?


 How do providers verify that a youth has a case plan in ICWIS identifying the need for IL services? To prevent servicing ineligible youth, should providers request the case plan prior to service initiation?

Eligibility is performed by the IL Specialist

How will service providers access records for case mining with voluntary youth?

There is no case mining for non-wards

Of you provide Chafee IL, must you do the Chafee mentoring program?


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