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“Other Services” (Programmatic)

What is the definition of clinical experience?

Within the context used in this RFP it means practice within a social work setting.

Is Respite still a program to be funded?

There is no stand alone service standard for Respite. There are a couple of service standards that allow for respite for their target population.

One (1) hour supervision per 20 service hours; 20 service hours to IV-B clients only or all clients served?

From the standpoint of the direct worker.

Is there any usage data per county for Functional Family Therapy?


FFT – the service standards state the staff qualifications to be a Masters Degree, however, FFT does not require this.  Therefore, we have members of an FFT certified team with a Bachelors degree and they are certified to perform the FFT program. Can this be reconsidered with respect to staff qualifications to match FFT requirements?

We will consider this with the stipulations that were in the last RFP.

Functional Family Therapy-  I have made attempts to contact Thomas Sexton at IU Bloomington with no response.  I am unable to locate anyone else in the state who indicates they provide education and training in this area.

Who in the State of Indiana provides FFT training, certification and on going support?  Contact information would be helpful.

State unable to provide this information.

How much FFT has been ordered?  i.e. How much is it being used?

We show this service being purchased in 3 counties in the current contract. 

Sex Offender Treatment:

Page 105, Item #1:  Please clarify the meaning of “community strengths” and “community risk and protective factors.”  Does this mean the “community” as it relates to the specific youth who has been referred (neighborhood, school, etc.) or to the community at large?

Page 106, Section III, Goal #1, Item #3:  Indicates the treatment plan must be completed and forwarded to worker within 15 calendar days of the first face-to-face contact with the client.  Does this mean 15 days after the first interview for the assessment?  This standard contains very tight time constraints, which are understandable.  How does one account for the family’s failure to comply (no showing appointments) during the assessment phase?

Page 107, Section III, Goal #5:  Please clarify “no behavioral issues” – does this relate only to issues that are included in the safety/relapse prevention plans or to behaviors that are status offenses or delinquent acts?

Page 107, Section IV:  Is being a clinical member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) qualify as an equivalent recognized credentialed authority?

As it relates to the youth.

After the first face to face contact. Failure to comply will become part of the assessment. Contact with the referring DCS should take place if assessment is unable to be completed due to failure to comply. Discussions of next steps should take place with FCM.

IF you look at the outcome measure it is talking about delinquency charges and/or probation violations.

If you wish to send in information on ATSA we will evaluate.



How many parents were referred by DCS for parenting education services in last grant cycle (by region if available)?

Sorry, Not Available

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