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“Prevention-Community Partners” (Programmatic)

Regarding CPCS not being able to take families who qualify for Healthy Families:  What if the family doesn’t want to work with Healthy Families?  What if Healthy Families has a waiting list and CPCS doesn’t?  What if the services the family needs doesn’t fall under services provided by Healthy Families? 

HFI is strictly voluntary.  If the family has identified need for services CP can enroll the family and provide those services.

HFI does not have waiting lists.

If the services the family needs does not fall under services provided by Healthy Families, please contact the CPCS consultant for assistance.

Regarding CPCS referral date: When does the five day clock start if we are waiting to hear back from Healthy Families about whether the family qualifies and/or the family on whether they will work with Healthy Families?

Five day clock starts when family contacts CPCS wanting services. Eligibility information should be received from Healthy Families with 48 hrs or 3 working days.  If the family is not eligible for HFI services can be provided.

The Community Partnerships Project manager is recruited and hired by what agency?

The agency is identified by the Regional Service Council as the Provider for the Region.  The Provider then determines the Project Manager.

Can Community Partners include more than (one) partner?

Yes, as a subcontractor

What is the maximum rate for Prevention Services?

Actual costs

Does the subcontractor identification apply to the community partners? The RFP asks us to identify the subcontractors but it is unclear whether we have to ID the Community Partners subcontractors.

Yes. The CPCS contract states that subcontractors need to be approved by the State

Does the on-call staff offering crisis intervention counseling have to be a master's level therapist?

If your agency is following the IV-B standards, then you must comply with those standards as well

Can we be a neighborhood liaison through community partners for child safety without being the project manager?

There are two separate job descriptions, one for Community Partners Liaison and the other for Project Manager.

Can CPCS families b e referred to parenting education classes?  They do not meet the eligibility criteria because they do not have a substantiated case of abuse. (Page 87, Section II, Item #1)

There are opportunities available for parenting classes that do not meet that eligibility requirement.

How will a provider know whether a family avoided out of home placement for 12 months after the case closes?

The state is seeking legal advise in order  to develop a state policy for providers and cases of this capacity.

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