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Rate Questions

In the standards section for Family prep and step parent and custody studies, can you clarify what routine report writing is?  Studies are usually 12-16 pages in length and take 4-6 hours to write.  Since this written study is part of the service and final product, can we bill for those 4-6 hours of report writing?

Question: Billable Units: “Reminder” (P. 11) – What is meant by “routine” reports? Is this a reference to statistical data or to the actual home study/assessment which, by nature of the service, is essential to assuring its delivery?

No. Report writing is not a separate billable service; only face-to-face contact with the client/family is billable. The report writing should be factored into the face to face rate.

Under pre/post adoption services, respite care/foster is listed as a service reimbursed at cost. What is included in “cost”?

“Cost” is defined as the actual cost of providing respite care in a licensed foster home, for a time period to be defined by an FCM (not exceed 30 days in one calendar year).

Is the adoption child preparedness rate correct?*


Child Prep-Does the definition of face-to-face time with the client only include the 3 bullet points listed within the billable units section?


Child Prep - Please clarify what “all billed time must be associated with a client/family” means, and is this only face-to-face time?

Yes, the only billable units for this service are face-to-face time with the client, and interpreter services.


Question: There is no mention of mileage reimbursement. Are the costs of mileage included in the $50.50 rate for face-to-face contact?

      Question: For all home studies, is it possible to submit a per-study fee opposed to an hourly rate?

Question: Please clarify if all time spent on a family’s case can be billed under face-to-face contact, or only under time actually spent with the client?

Question: With regard to the exclusion of travel – Can the State propose another way of getting to/communicating with clients? Note: Telephone time has not been excluded from billable time.


RATE BUILDING: The maximum face-to-face rate is a statewide average based on the cost of all billable units from the previous contract year.

ADDL. UNITS: No. Only units listed in the “Billable Units” Section of the Service Standards will be approved.

DEFINING FACE-TO-FACE CONTACT: Billable time must be spent face-to-face with the client, or via telephone contact where phone calls can be billable when they are providing a service that is consistent with the “Service Description” from the relevant Service Standard.


Pre/Post Placement and Post Adoption Services


Are the “Actual Cost” rates based on DCS or LCPA per diem rates or another means of measuring actual cost?

“Actual Cost” rates are not per diem rates, but the total sum of costs that are incurred to provide either the respite service or translation service.

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