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Therapeutic Supervised Visitation not used in Service Standards but is then listed on the service unit definition (in attachment B1) as a service.  Can we write to provide this service?


Visit Facilitation – Parent/Child/Sibling could previously be provided by paraprofessionals (without degrees).  The standard requirements now require services to be provided by employees with Bachelor’s degrees.  We provide about 530 supervised visits across three regions.  For the most part our staff doing supervised visits are over 40-years of age and a large portion of those staff are minorities.  In rural areas it is difficult to recruit people with Bachelor’s degrees and the life experience to do supervised visits.  With the standards as they current read in this RFP, we stand to lay off over half of our minority staff which are valuable in providing this and other services.  Can the standard be modified to allow for paraprofessional staff (without degrees)?

Our agency currently has a Supervised Visitation Site that is staffed by a Site Coordinator(who is working on her bachelors degree) and site monitors who are not degreed, do the visitation site coordinator and site monitors now have to have a bachelor's degree? and if so can we write a waiver for those that we have employed for the last 2 years?

Supervised Visitation: The Observation and Reporting section refers to professional and para-professional staff.  The staff qualifications section only lists a Bachelor level staff.  Are para-professional staff allowed and if so, what are the qualifications?

What are the staffing requirements to provide visit facilitation services?  The service description on page 101 refers to both professional and para-professional staff conducting visit observation and reporting.  However, the qualifications listed on page 103 for direct worker are for bachelor’s level staff.

Yes the Service Standard will be modified to include a paraprofessional staff. The revised Service Standard will be posted at a later date.



Is the provider expected to provide transportation to and from visits as part of visit facilitation?

Depends on the situation, but travel time can be factored into the face to face rate.

Is Visitation Supervision going to be a service that will be funded through IVB?  I believe it was stated at the Bidders conference that this will not be funded however, it is a service  listed in the proposal.

Visitation Facilitation has a Service Standard and therefore can be funded through this RFP process.

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