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KidTraks Invoicing Documents and Tools

The following documents replace tools formerly available to vendors through the Zendesk in KidTraks.

KidTraks Vendor Portal Security Roles Summary

A high-level summary of the DCS KidTraks Vendor Portal security roles
Summary Document

KidTraks E-Invoicing for Contracted and Non-Contracted Providers

These tools are available to guide vendors in e-invoicing, both manual import and file import mechanisms
e-Invoicing Question and Answers
e-Invoicing Manual Input Desktop Procedures
e-Invoicing File Import Desktop Procedures
e-Invoicing for Non-Contracted Providers
Voucher Build File Specifications - XML
Voucher Build File Specifications - CSV
Adjustment Reason Codes
CSV Voucher Template
CSV with Binary Encoding String
CSV Sample
XSD Schema

Attaching Documentation to KidTraks Cases

These tools will guide providers in attaching documentation to cases 
FAQ - Attaching KidTraks Case Documentation
Email from Director Stigdon explaining Provider Desk Guide
Provider Desk Guide for Attaching Case Documentation   
Monthly Report Attachments - API
Vendor Profile Attachments
Ensuring Appropriate Documentation of DCS Invoices

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