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LSA Document #16-216

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LSA Document #16-216

Rulemaking Docket


Date (“E”) for estimated future date


LSA document number LSA Document #16-216
Description of rule

Adds 465 IAC 4-1 regarding the federal-state adoption assistance program (AAP) and related state funded adoption subsidy program (SAS). Adds 465 IAC 4-2 regarding the federal-state kinship guardianship assistance program (GAP) and related state funded guardianship assistance program (SGAP). Establishes assistance eligibility requirements for the child beneficiary, adoptive parents, and legal guardians. Describes program benefits, including nonrecurring expenses of adoption or establishment of the guardianship, periodic payments, health insurance coverage, and availability of supporting services to the child and family. Provides procedure for determination of periodic payment amounts within applicable limits. Defines funding priorities for the adoption assistance account established by statute. Requires periodic status reports to the department during the term of the assistance agreement, and notice to the department of certain reportable events. Describes circumstances and procedures for suspension of periodic payments and termination of agreements before the child beneficiary becomes 18 years of age. Provides for continuation of periodic payments for a youth over 18 years of age under defined conditions. Provides for continuation of payments to successor guardians named in the assistance agreement. Makes technical amendments to eliminate or update some provisions of the current rules relating to the interstate compact on adoption and medical assistance (465 IAC 2-4), and current assisted guardianships that were funded through the state TANF block grant before July, 2012 (465 IAC 2-8). Repeals provisions of 465 IAC 2-7 relating to adoption assistance that are superseded by 465 IAC 4-1.

Notice of intent 05-25-2016
Proposed rule 09-28-2016
Public hearing notice
(publication date)
Economic impact statement 09-28-2016
Public hearing date and location 10-26-2016

The public hearing has een set for 9:00am on October 26, 2016 at:

Indiana Government Center South
Conference Room 29
302 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

IEDC comments 10-18-2016

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation's economic impact analysis for small business associated with rule changes contained in LSA Document 16-216 can be viewed here.

Deadline for comments 10-26-2016

Comments may be submitted now and up until 11:59pm on the date of the public hearing. The public hearing has been set for October 26, 2016 at 9:00 am.

Submit comments Online 10-26-2016

Comments may be submitted online to

Mailing address for comments

Comments may be mailed to:

Indiana Department of Child Services
302 West Washington Street, E306 - MS47
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Comments may be inspected at this location

Comments may be inspected at:

Indiana Department of Child Services
302 West Washington Street, E306 - MS47
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Adoption of final rule 10-31-2016
Submitted to Attorney General 10-31-2016
Submitted to Governor 11-30-2016
Deadline for Governor’s action (may be extended an additional 15 days) 12-14-2016
Final rule filed with the Indiana Register 12-14-2016
Final rule published in the Indiana Register 01-11-2017
Effective date of rule 01-13-2017
Additional information 09-28-2016

The Department's 60 Day Requirement letter for LSA Document #16-216 can be viewed here.

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