LSA Document #16-55
Rulemaking Docket |
Date (“E”) for estimated future date |
Information |
LSA document number | LSA Document #16-55 | |
Description of rule | Amends 465 IAC 2-14, concerning transitional services, to include references to collaborative care for older youth and related department procedures, and update wording relating to services and case managers. Adds a new rule, 465 IAC 2-15.1, concerning older youth in the collaborative care program, to establish eligibility requirements and conditions for consideration by the Department of Child Services (department) of an application for entry into the collaborative care program; to provide procedures for determination of eligibility and filing of a petition in the appropriate court for receipt of Older Youth Services through the program; to provide conditions for housing and services to be provided to current or former foster youth; to provide for payments to be made for housing and services to be provided to or on behalf of a youth approved by the court for collaborative care; to authorize the department to establish guidelines for the eligible youth's continuing participation in the program; to specify the terms of agreement between the department and the youth, and continuing eligibility of youth receiving collaborative care services; to specify grounds and procedures for termination of voluntary collaborative care agreements and services under the program; and to provide a procedure for administrative review by the department of certain determinations under the program. Amends 465 IAC 3-3, concerning administrative hearings, to provide a procedure for administrative hearings for review of certain determinations under the collaborative care program. Repeals 465 IAC 2-15. |
Notice of intent | 02-10-2016 | |
Proposed rule | 06-22-2016 | |
Public hearing notice (publication date) |
06-22-2016 | |
Economic impact statement | 06-22-2016 | |
Public hearing date and location | 07-21-2016 | The public hearing has been set for 9:00am on July 21, 2016 at: Indiana State Library |
OSBE comments | 07-01-2016 | Comments from the Indiana Office of Small Business & Entrepreneurship can be viewed here. |
Deadline for comments | 07-21-2016 | Comments may be submitted now and up until 11:59 pm on the date of the public hearing. The public hearing has been set for July 21, 2016 at 9:00 am. |
Submit comments Online | Comments may be submitted online to |
Mailing address for comments | Comments may be mailed to: Indiana Department of Child Services |
Comments may be inspected at this location | Comments may be inspected at: Indiana Department of Child Services |
Adoption of final rule | 08-10-2016 | |
Submitted to Attorney General | 08-15-2016 | |
Deadline for Attorney General action | 09-29-2016 (E) | |
Submitted to Governor | 10-13-2016 | |
Final rule filed with the Indiana Register | 10-12-2016 | |
Final rule published in the Indiana Register | 11-09-2016 | |
Additional information | 07-20-2016 | The Department's 60 Day Requirement letter can be viewed here. |