To achieve Level III Assessor-Appraiser certification, an individual must achieve Level II Assessor-Appraiser certification and successfully complete the following International Association of Assessing Officials (IAAO) courses:
- IAAO Course 101 - Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal
- IAAO Course 102 - Income Approach to Valuation
- IAAO Course 300 - Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal
- IAAO Course 400 - Assessment Administration
- IAAO Workshop 151 - Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (Note: Successful completion of the USPAP class administered by another entity such as the Appraisal Institute may be used in lieu of IAAO Workshop 151.)
Classes taken to achieve a Level III Assessor-Appraiser certification can count as continuing education credits for a person's Level II continuing education requirement. There are no online tutorials for the Level III courses.
Level III Assessor-Appraiser Application
Approval of Course Sponsors and Courses for Level III Curriculum
Under IC 6-1.1-35.5-4.5, the Department may approve courses that are equivalent to the IAAO courses listed above to count toward Level III Assessor-Appraiser certification. These courses must be offered by a course sponsor approved by the Department.
To be approved by the Department, a potential course sponsor must complete the Course Sponsor Approval application and submit it to the Department. To submit a course for approval by the Department as an equivalent course, an approved course sponsor must complete the Course Approval application and submit it to the Department one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the beginning of the course.
- Emergency Rule on Level III Curriculum
- Course Sponsor Approval Application
- Course Approval Application
- Approved Course Sponsors and Approved Courses
Continuing Education
The Department offers a variety of continuing education classes for local officials. Continuing education class details and registration information are listed below.
Tracking Continuing Education
The Department tracks the continuing education credit hours for all individuals who hold a Level I, Level II, or Level III Assessor-Appraiser certification.
Assessors should maintain a current address on file with the Department to ensure continuing education updates are received in a timely manner. Assessors should advise the Department of any change in address (home and business), telephone numbers, and any name changes.
If continuing education requirements are not met, as a Level I, Level II, or Level III Assessor-Appraiser, disciplinary proceedings according to 50 IAC 15-3-5 may commence. Assessor-Appraiser certifications will be revoked and, if revoked, assessors will be required to retest to regain certification.