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Debt Management

Gateway Debt Management is used by over 2600 units of government to report information on outstanding debt obligations, including bonds, loans, and leases.


Due Date: February 28, 2025

IC 5-1-18 requires units to report new debt through Gateway Debt Management within one month after the debt is incurred. In addition, the Department requires units to annually review and verify the accuracy of the debt information that is contained in Gateway Debt Management.


Local Officials:

Gateway Public Site:

Training Materials

Contact Us

Have questions concerning the Gateway application?

  1. Reference one of the Gateway user guides. These guides include step-by-step instructions that can help & you complete most tasks in the application.
  2. Send an email to Multiple DLGF employees monitor this email address and can answer your questions concerning the technical aspects of the Gateway applications. Please remember to include in your email your name, your title, the name of your unit, and the county in which your unit is located.
  3. If you believe your question is easier to answer over the phone, feel free to call the Department at 317-232-3777 or toll-free at 888-739-9826.

If you need a new Gateway account, please submit a request.

Limited Delegation of Authority Requests

Elected Local Officials

Only one official per unit of government is permitted to have submission rights in the Gateway Budgets, Economic Development Reporting (EDR), DECAF (CNAV & Form 22), and TIF Management applications. However, it is easy to delegate editing or read-only rights to other individuals. For Gateway Debt Management, an official also can delegate submission rights to multiple persons.

All delegations of authority can be performed now online in Gateway in the **NEW** Limited Delegation of Authority (LDA) application.

Limited Delegation of Authority User Guide

School Officials

By default, school superintendents are given submission rights for Gateway Budgets and Debt Management. A school superintendent that would rather relinquish authority and transfer the responsibilities to the corporation treasurer may do so by completing and returning the following state form: Relinquishment of Authority and Limited Delegation of Authority for Submitting School Data through the Gateway Website and Authorizing Additional Website Users – State Form 55811.