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Level II Certification

To be certified as a Level II Assessor-Appraiser, an individual must:

  • complete Level II pre-examination coursework designated by the Department;
  • pass the Level II examination designated by the Department;
  • complete the continuing education requirements specified in section 4 of 50 IAC 15; and
  • have previously attained certification as a Level I Assessor-Appraiser.

The Department offers an online, self-paced tutorial for those individuals interested in obtaining their Level II Assessor-Appraiser certification. The tutorial, which is available from this webpage, allows individuals to use an audio and video presentation of the class materials to prepare for the Level II examination.

Materials Needed for Self-Paced Tutorial

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 installed on a computer or PDF Viewer
  • Computer speakers
  • Real Property Assessment Guidelines - Chapters 6-9, Appendices D-G, Glossary (see below)
  • Calculator
  • Writing utensils
  • Ruler

2025 Level II Tutorials

To start using the self-paced tutorial, you will need to download either the PowerPoint or PDF files for each section. In an effort to provide you with multiple options to view the tutorials, we have provided each presentation in two different formats

Cost Approach

Golf Course

Income Approach

Personal Property

Ratio Study

Sales Comparison Approach

Property Record Card

Review Exam and Answers

The files above may be large and may take a few minutes to load on your computer. If you save the files to your computer, you will only need to download the files once.

Begin with the Cost Approach tutorial.

Due to file size, audio is only available on the problems and answers videos.

  • Powerpoint Tips - When starting in PowerPoint you may have a pop-up asking to update files, please select "Cancel" to begin the program. You may advance the slides or move back a slide at any time by using the up and down arrows on your keyboard. For additional help using Microsoft PowerPoint, you can "right-click" on your mouse and select the "Help" option.
  • PDF Viewer Tips - When starting the PDF, you may have a pop-up box asking if you trust the file sender, please select yes to begin the program. To move forward or backward on the presentation, use the arrows at the top of the PowerPoint window.

The problems that are completed during the tutorial presentation can be printed separately from the zip folder in the attached files.

Real Property Guidelines

The 2021 rule and manual apply to the reassessment process used by Indiana assessors. By statute, the Department of Local Government Finance adopted this new rule change on December 2, 2020. It became effective on January 1, 2021.

2021 Real Property Manual

2021 Real Property Assessment Guidelines


Please direct questions regarding course material to

Exam Schedule

Students may sit for the Level I or Level II examination at any of the scheduled testing times and locations.

Once you have completed the online tutorial, you will need to schedule your testing date with the Department. Please register next to the date that you would like to attend. Test locations are all in Indianapolis unless noted. The Department reserves the right to cancel a scheduled test if less than five (5) individuals are confirmed for a particular date. Individuals will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis and a waitlist will be maintained if needed. While there is no cost for the test, please make every effort to cancel at least 48 hours in advance so any waitlisted candidates may be notified of an opening.

DateLocationRegistration Link
January 17, 2025IndianapolisAssessor's Conference - Register Here
February 21, 2025IndianapolisRegistration Closed
March  21, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
April 25, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
June 20, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
July 18, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
August 15, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
September 12, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
October 10, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
November 14, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here
December 12, 2025IndianapolisRegister Here