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Media Relations

Media Inquiries

Media questions or interview requests should be directed to:
Marty Benson, Public Information Officer
Phone: 317-233-3853


DNR sends out news releases to interested parties using an email distribution list. Reporters who wish to receive DNR news releases and media advisories, or be removed from the DNR media list, should email

Subscribe to news releases from the Division of Law Enforcement.

News releases

Archived news releases from February 2007 through the present are available on our website.

Request for public record

Visit the APRA portal website to submit a public records request.

Customers requesting DNR Law Enforcement incident reports, background checks or bodycam recordings should complete Form 56608 Request for Public Record (PDF) and email, mail, fax or drop off to:

DNR, Public Record Request
Indiana Government Center South
402 W. Washington St., Room W256
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

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