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  • DNR
  • Current: Divisions


Publishes Outdoor Indiana magazine, annual guidebooks and brochures, and manages Produces photographs and art for DNR divisions. Point of contact for news media. Manages Customer Service Center.



Provides engineering services and plans for divisions. Includes management of construction bids.


Entomology & Plant Pathology

Staff inspect and license nursery stock, advise beekeepers; inspect international shipments of grain and plant stock and scout for exotic and invasive species.


Fish & Wildlife

Manages the state's fish and wildlife through regulation of hunting, fishing and trapping. Conducts research and species restoration efforts.



Supports recreation, timber production, watershed protection, healthy fish and wildlife populations. Provides assistance to landowners with inspections and management plans. State nurseries provide stock for landscaping, windbreaks, fire control, and other uses.


Historic Preservation & Archaeology

Historic Preservation Grants; Indiana Cemetery and Burial Grounds Registry; Indiana Cultural Resources Management Plan; National, and Indiana Registers of significant historical sites; and, more than 74,000 known archeological sites contain endless clues to who and what came before us - and their significance.


Land Acquisition

President Benjamin Harrison Conservation Trust Fund is a way to buy more natural areas for future public use. The Harrison Trust uses proceeds from the Environmental License Plate (the eagle/sun plate) to buy land.


Law Enforcement

Enforcement and education are combined to protect and encourage the wise use of Indiana's natural resources. Officers conduct hunter, boater, snowmobile and trapper education. Specialty units use boats, snowmobiles and off road vehicles to respond to river rescue, underwater search and recovery, and natural disasters.


Nature Preserves

Identifies, protects, and manages assortment of natural areas in order to maintain viable examples of all of Indiana's natural communities. The same attention is applied to endangered, threatened, or rare species. The Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center is used to locate and keep track of Indiana's rarest plants, animals and natural communities.



Administers State and federal programs for the surface mining of coal, clay, shale, or oil shale, and the restoration of lands disturbed for the extraction of these minerals. Permits and monitors active coal mines; designs and oversees construction projects restoring lands disturbed, but improperly reclaimed; responds to citizen inquiries; partners with private landowners. The Oil & Gas Section issues permits for drilling and inspects wells. It also plugs abandoned wells.


State Parks

There is no end of ways for visitors to enjoy and experience the wondrous variety of Indiana's natural features face-to-face. Ride or hike through a forest; romp on the Dunes of Lake Michigan; sail, boat or ski on a reservoir; re-live Indiana settlement life at Spring Mill; study nature with a Naturalist; enjoy a primitive camp, or get a room at one of the Inns; meet the family for a picnic; or, enjoy wildlife in the natural setting.



The Division of Water is a regulatory and public information agency, having diverse responsibilities associated with the evaluation of Indiana's water resources, and development near Indiana's waterways and lakes. Regulatory responsibilities include floodway construction, floodplain hazard analysis, lakebed and shoreline alteration, dam safety, conservancy districts, water use, and water well construction.


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