Nest removal can be carried out, at any time, on property you own or have permission to be on as long as no eggs or geese are present. Repeatedly removing nests can encourage breeding geese to relocate, build a new nest, or nest later in the season. It is advisable to begin nest removal as soon as geese are seen scouting nest locations and to prevent them from laying eggs in undesirable locations. Nest construction may last for several weeks and the first egg may be laid less than 24 hours after the nest is constructed. Once the first egg is laid in a nest, no further action can legally be taken without first registering online with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
It is against federal law for anyone to destroy a Canada goose nest that contains one or more eggs without first securing permission through the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Permission may be received by registering online. Landowners must register each employee or agent working on their behalf. Egg destruction can be implemented any time of year after a permit is secured. The online registration is open Jan. 1 through June 30.
Once registered, egg treatment or nest destruction can occur. Be cautious if attempting to conduct these activities yourself because Canada geese are very aggressive during the nesting period and may attack a person coming close to their nest. A person may either shake the egg for at least 60 seconds, puncture the large end of the egg with a sharp object, or coat the egg with 100% corn oil to prevent it from hatching. Only eggs that are more than 14 days old and float in the water float test should be removed from the nest. If the eggs are removed or broken too early the goose will lay more eggs.
The eggs can be treated by using 100% corn oil and placed back in the nest. This will trick the goose into sitting on the eggs for an extended time, but eggs will not hatch. The oil blocks the pores on the eggshell and the egg becomes unviable.
Nest removal with eggs present is an effective way to reduce goose reproduction and reduce the local goose population in the long-term. If the goose can be seen on the nest, remove the nest after she has been sitting on her eggs for 14 days. If the nest is taken earlier, she is likely to re-nest and lay new eggs, so it is important to wait for 14 days after the last egg is laid. It is probably better to leave the eggs a few days longer than two weeks, rather than take them too early.
March through April are primary egg laying times for geese when egg destruction methods should be used. These times may vary depending on spring temperatures and other local conditions. Nests with cold eggs should be left alone because the goose is still laying eggs. Return two weeks later to remove any nests that are cold on the first attempt. The entire nest and all eggs should be removed and placed in garbage bags. These can be sent to a landfill.
A method you can use to help you determine the age of the Canada geese eggs more accurately is the float test. Take the eggs and put them in a bucket with at least 6 inches of water. Eggs younger than 14 days will sink. These eggs should be dried off, addled, and returned to the nest. Eggs that are older than 14 days will float. These eggs should be removed unless the eggshell is pipped, which means the gosling is pecking through and ready to hatch. Leave all the eggs in a nest when one egg is pipped. All the goslings will be hatching within a few hours. Removal of live geese including goslings requires a separate permit.