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Well Driller and Pump Installer Licensing

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Water Well Driller and Water Well Pump Installer Licensing and Continuing Education Required by Senate Enrolled Act 356

Drilling a water wellIndiana Code 25-39 requires the licensing of all water well drillers and water well pump installers. The code requires that individuals “who operate well drilling or driving equipment or engage in the drilling or driving of wells” or “a person who installs or repairs water well pumping equipment” in Indiana be licensed through the Department of Natural Resources.

The corresponding rule - 312 IAC 13 - regulates the drilling, casing, and grouting of new wells and the plugging of old wells, and sets standards for pump installation.

The DNR Division of Water issues a single license card that specifies whether an individual is a water well driller, water well pump installer, or both. The annual fee for an original license or a license renewal (driller, pump installer, or both) is legislatively set at $100. All licenses expire on December 31 the year they are issued. A license that has expired for more than a year is considered lapsed and cannot be renewed by paying the fee. An individual with a license that has lapsed is required to re-take and pass the competency exam and complete the requirement for six (6) hours of continuing education before being eligible for renewal.

Individuals are required to meet the following qualifications in order to obtain a water well driller or water well pump installer license:
1) Be at least 18 years of age;
2) Furnish evidence from three (3) references, two (2) of whom are water well drillers, water well pump installers, or licensed plumbing contractors familiar with the applicant’s work experience and professional competency;
3) Have successfully completed a competency examination prepared and administered by the department; and
4) Pay a $100 license fee.

The Division of Water sends applicants a free packet that includes the study materials (Indiana statute and rules), the required application and reference forms, and additional information sheets. The Division of Water offers at least two (2) scheduled exams during the year. Please contact the Division of Water staff to receive these materials, and register for an exam. Dates and locations of water well drilling and water well pump installer exams and continuing education opportunities are listed below.

Beginning with the 2011 license year, a person who has held a well driller or pump installer license for at least one (1) calendar year must complete a minimum of six (6) hours of approved continuing education during each two-year cycle to be eligible for license renewal. A person who has held a combination water well driller and pump installer license must complete a minimum of twelve (12) hours of approved continuing education. Each cycle for continuing education is two (2) years in duration, including one odd- and one even-numbered year. Hours are due by December 31 of the second (even-numbered) year of the cycle in order for a licensed individual to be eligible to renew their license for the following year.

Well driller and pump installer licenses continue to require renewal on an annual basis; however, a license holder may not renew a license until the requirement for continuing education hours has been satisfied.

Remember to regularly check this webpage for additional opportunities for approved continuing education, because the list is updated frequently.

For updates or additional information regarding the water well driller and water well pump installer licensing and continuing education programs, please contact Celena Langlois or Mark Basch of the Division of Water.

Celena Langlois; or 317-941-4357
Mark Basch; or 317-232-0154


Well Driller and Pump Installer Exam Dates and Locations

  • January 7, 2025 - Harrison Hall Room 22 - 1 to 4 p.m.
  • March 4, 2025 - Harrison Hall Room 19 - 1 to 4 p.m.
  • July 15, 2025 - Harrison Hall Room 19 - 1 to 4 p.m.
  • September 16, 2025 - Harrison Hall Room 19 - 1 to 4 p.m.
  • October 21, 2025 - Harrison Hall Room 19 - 1 to 4 p.m.
  • November 4, 2025 - Harrison Hall Room 19 - 1 to 4 p.m.

To sign up for an exam, please contact Celena Langlois with the name of the exam taker and the exam types to be taken. Additional information may be needed upon request. There is a $25 administrative fee per test that must be paid in full before the test may be administered.

Exams may be given at the office on an individual basis.

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