Basic continuing education
Since January 2011, a person who installs or repairs water well pumps in the state of Indiana must be licensed through the DNR. In addition, a licensed water well driller or pump installer must complete at least six hours of approved continuing education before Dec. 31 of each even-numbered year for license renewal.
Dec. 31, 2024, is the next continuing education cycle deadline. The minimum requirements must be met to be eligible to renew a license for 2025.
An individual must complete each cycle of continuing education before accumulating hours for the next cycle.
A minimum of six hours of education is required for the renewal of each water well driller or pump installer license. A minimum of 12 hours of education is required for the renewal of each combination water well driller and pump installer license.
Continuing education courses must be preapproved at least 30 days in advance by application to the DNR by the course provider. Attendees are required to receive written verification of attendance and then keep the written verification on file for three years.
If you have any questions about how many hours you have submitted to the division, please check the WDPI Licensing Drillers Continuing Education Hours tool, or please contact Celena Langlois of the Division of Water.
Celena Langlois;
Upcoming Workshop for Well Drillers and Pump Installers
- Feb. 14 - East Peoria, IL - IAGP Annual Convention and Trade Show
More information
Approved Online Continuing Education Opportunities
- The International School of Well Drilling: Aquifer Storage Recovery, Drilling Methods (1-3), Drilling Safety, Geothermal Heating & Cooling (1-2), Groundwater Basics, Introduction to Pumps (1-2), Well Abandonment, and Well Rehabilitation (1-2) are approved continuing education for Indiana water well drillers and pump installers. To register and begin a course, visit the website.
- National Drilling Association: Drilling Safety Certification (3 hours), Monitoring Well Construction Certification (6 hours); and Groundwater Knowledge Certification (4 hours) Approved for water well drillers. Course fees vary. See the website for registration. Course fees vary.
- Approved Environment: Ammonia pH and Chlorine, Chemistry I/Water Chemistry, Disinfection by Chlorine, Groundwater, and Wells, Maintenance II/Pumps, Parasites and Pathogens, Safety, and The Microlife are approved continuing education for Indiana water well drillers and pump installers. To register and begin the course, visit the website.
- Goulds Water Technology: Basic Water Systems Training (2 hours), Variable Frequency Drives (2 hours), and Introduction to Vertical Turbine Pumps (2 hours) are approved continuing education for Indiana water well drillers and pump installers. To register and begin the course, visit the website.
- National Ground Water Association: Two online courses approved for both well drillers and pump installers are available. A total of 4.5 hours of continuing education is available. Visit the website for topic availability and registration. Course fees vary. To register and begin the course, visit the website.
- All Star Training: Borehole Geophysics Specialty Tools, Boreholes and Geophysics eLogs, Common Causes of Well Failure (1-2), Corrosion in Water Supply Wells, Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water, Hydrogeology, Locating Water Wells, Seals and Liners, Sinkholes, and Well Rehabilitation are approved continuing education for Indiana water well drillers and pump installers. To register and begin the course, visit the website.