This Web site provides lists of water well drilling and pump installer contractors employing drillers licensed to install wells and installers licensed to install water well pumping equipment in Indiana. Clicking on the map or on the links below, homeowners and businesses can find the water well drilling and pump installation contractors with offices in Indiana, in the four surrounding states, or in the rest of the U.S. Along with the name of each contractor, the lists provide the address and phone number, the number of Indiana licensed drillers or pump installers working for the contractor, and an abbreviation for the primary service or services ("Type") offered by the contractor.
Search a list quickly with the "Find" function in Acrobat. Open a list and click on "Edit" in the menu bar at the top of the page. Select "Find" and type a keyword into the pop-up box. Suggested keywords are the names of counties (e.g., "Marion"), towns, and contractors (e.g., "Smith"), ZIP codes, and codes for primary drilling or pump servicing services (e.g., "ENV"). The search is not case-sensitive and will find the next or previous occurrence of any text or number in the open list.
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, tests and licenses individuals as drillers or pump installers. Most drillers and pump installers are associated with a company--a drilling or pump service contractor--either as an employee or as an owner/operator. Drillers and pump installers pay a fee to renew their licenses through December 31 every year. Only those contractors with drillers and pump installers licensed for the current year are listed. If you need to confirm the license status of an individual driller or pump installer, call the Division of Water toll free at 1-877-928-3755.
For more information, contact The Division of Water, Water Rights & Use Section.
- Drillers and Installers in Indiana
- Drillers and Installers in Illinois
- Drillers and Installers in Kentucky
- Drillers and Installers in Michigan
- Drillers and Installers in Ohio
- Drillers and Installers in the U.S. outside Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio
The Indiana DNR Division of Water licenses the water well drillers and water well pump installers working for contractors on this list. The Division provides this information as a public service and does not recommend particular contractors. Driller licenses, pump installer licenses, water well records, and enforcement actions are a matter of public record. More information may be available from the Division of Water.