Once you or your child start having symptoms of the illness, such as diarrhea, do not attend work (specifically for food handlers, healthcare workers, daycare workers) or attend daycare or school until a healthcare provider or someone from your local health department says you are clear to go back.
If you believe you have giardiasis and have not yet been treated or spoken to a doctor, please be sure to do so. You should be evaluated by a doctor to confirm that you have giardiasis, and that you get the correct treatment. You should also respond to requests for interview by your local or state public health department. An investigation will take place for every confirmed case of giardiasis. It is important that you answer the call from your local or state health department so that other people in your home or near you are not at risk of getting giardiasis as well. An investigation may also look into your exposures to check if other people are at risk.
If your doctor tells you that have a Giardia infection try to stay home from work or school until you feel better for at least 24 hours. This is especially important if you work in healthcare or handle food. To make sure that you don’t spread Giardia, make sure to wash your hands regularly, especially after using the bathroom. If you are sick with Giardia, avoid going swimming in recreational water, such as pools.