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Children & Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP)


The Children and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP) is a secure web-based application that is administered by the Indiana Department of Health, designed to permanently store a person’s immunization records in an electronic format. Healthcare providers can use the registry to review vaccination records for their patients and record all newly administered vaccinations.

Access CHIRP


MyVaxIndiana allows Hoosiers to directly access immunization records from any computer through the use of a personal identification number (PIN). Local health departments and healthcare providers will be the primary access point to obtain PINs. The PINs can be used by individuals to log in to a secure website and check immunization history for themselves and their children as it is recorded in the Indiana Children and Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP). Only registered CHIRP providers will be able to generate PINs.

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Immunization Registry Requirements

The state of Indiana mandates the use of the registry for certain providers. For more information about the CHIRP requirements, please contact the CHIRP Help Desk at 888-227-4439 or