The Grants Development area of IDOH Finance is responsible for generating Federal revenue for IDOH programs and services through the timely submission of well-researched, well-written and well-documented grant applications. Specific objectives include:
- Identification and pursuit of eligible, relevant grant opportunities
- Analysis of Funding Opportunity Announcement documents
- Grant proposal documents and budgets, including budget review meetings
- Grant summary documents for OMB review
- Grant proposal coordination and submission
The State Budget Agency (SBA) has the responsibility over the statutory requirements for agencies to participate in federal assistance (IC 4-3-24). State agencies are required to receive approval from SBA before participating in federal assistance opportunities, which includes: applying for federal assistance, submitting a federal form required to receive federal assistance, requesting or accepting amendments to a federal award, and obligating state funds in anticipation of receiving federal assistance. Agencies are required to submit federal grant requests to SBA at least 10 days in advance of the application deadline.
The following forms are required for all grant applications:
The following documents are provided as educational resources for grant applicants: