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News and Events

Shield Spotlight: Brittany Butterfield

Brittany Butterfield’s commitment and expertise haven’t gone unnoticed. The Division of Emergency Preparedness (DEP) health equity and diversity specialist is known for continually going “above and beyond” with her work, a notion highlighted by DEP Grants Coordinator Erica Manuel who nominated Butterfield for a Shield Spotlight Award of Excellence.

Manuel said Butterfield’s efforts led to improvements in workflow and data capturing through the creation of “numerous dashboards and automations.”

Congratulations, Brittany. Thank you for your dedication to serving Hoosiers!


Shield Spotlight: Ryan White Services Monitoring Team

Members of the Ryan White Monitoring Team within the division of HIV/STI/Viral Hepatitis are proving to be the very definition of the word “team.” As a group, they are responsible for making certain each Ryan White Part B funded agency is “educated on the federal monitoring standards and understands the programmatic and fiscal requirements,” explained Brittany Sichting, Ryan White Part B Supportive Services director.

Sichting nominated the team, which consists of Program Manager Jason Smith, Program Specialists Cayli Chase and Travis Ohliger, and Fiscal Specialists Joel Bazzell and Rita Chang, for a Shield Spotlight Award of Excellence based in part on their consistent teamwork, growth, and drive for excellent results.

Congratulations, Joel, Jason, Travis, Rita, and Cayli. Thank you for your dedication to serving Hoosiers!


Read more about the award winners in the PULSE.

Nominate someone for a Shield Spotlight award here.

Conversations with the Commissioner
Episode 6

For this episode of Conversations with the Commissioner I had the pleasure of sitting down with Office of Minority Health Division Director Antoniette Holt. We talk about the upcoming Black and Minority Health Fair, the work her team is doing in the community, and the role of health equity in public health.

For more information on the health fair, visit

Episode 5

For this episode of Conversations with the Commissioner I had the pleasure of visiting with the great people at the Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education. It was energizing to see the passion and devotion these team members put into their work. I hope you’ll take a moment to listen and learn more!

Episode 4

As warm weather returns to Indiana, Memorial Day is just around the corner, signaling the start of the summer swim season. For this month’s Conversations with the Commissioner, Prevention Programs Director Allie Houston and I talk about the risk of drownings, safe sleep and other important initiatives under way in the renamed Division of Family Health Data and Fatality Prevention.

Episode 3

The once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse is just days away, and the excitement is building. So for this edition of Conversations with the Commissioner I talked with Safety, Resource, & Logistics Director Pat Brown and District and Local Readiness Program Manager Holley Rose from the Division of Emergency Preparedness about what they’re doing to prepare for this unique event, as well as other initiatives they have under way to help Hoosiers in need.

More information is available on the eclipse is featured on Indiana Department of Homeland Security’s website.

Episode 2

It’s respiratory infection season, so there’s no better time to talk about public health topics like influenza and wastewater surveillance. In this second edition of Conversations with the Commissioner you can hear my chat with infectious disease epidemiologists Madi Asbell and Layne Mounsey from the Infectious Disease and Epidemiology & Prevention Division. They’ll describe the great work they’re doing and how the influenza and wastewater dashboards help IDOH track and even predict the spread of illness across the state.

Thanks to Madi and Layne, and thanks for watching.

Episode 1

Please click this link to view the first episode of Conversations with the Commissioner, a monthly video series featuring a chat with folks throughout the agency. Dr. Weaver's goal is to not only highlight the work we’re doing in a unique way, but also to help us get to know each other a little better.

The first Conversations with the Commissioner features State Registrar Larry Ervin. Please take a moment to hear about all the great things happening in Vital Records. Thanks, Larry!

Jonny on the Spot - Part 2

Thanks to knowledgeable pedestrians on the street, Jonny was able to learn about what Health First Indiana is, but he still has questions.

How does it work? How can local health departments use their HFI funding? Click the play button to join Jonny as he puts people on the spot to get some answers!

Jonny on the Spot - Part 1

After getting used to GPHC, the Governor’s Public Health Commission, a new acronym is floating around the department of health – HFI, or Health First Indiana. This new terminology keeps coming up in Jonny’s meetings … but what is Health First Indiana?

Jonny’s curiosity was getting the best of him. Surely, he can’t be the only IDOH staff member who wants to know more about HFI! It was time to take to the street and get some answers.

Click the play button to join Jonny on his quest to learn more about Health First Indiana.

Health and Wellness Council and Office of Performance Excellence host monthly tunnel tours

Whether you are new to the tunnel system, want an alternate route to and from the office during the winter months, or want to stay active during breaks, this is an excellent opportunity to get those steps in!

The Office of Performance Excellence has partnered with the Health and Wellness Council to offer a monthly walking tour of the state tunnels. We are actively working on calendar holds, so stay tuned for more details!

This tour will leave from 2N and enter at the NW corner of Illinois and Washington (i.e., Panera) under the Arts Garden. The tour will take the escalator down and walk the systems, taking you to the Statehouse, Government Center South, Government Center North, and the State Library. These tunnels also directly connect to Government Center South and North garages, which will be pointed out along the tour.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Mia Brewer at or Lindsey Bouza at

Why walk during the day?

It can help improve productivity and focus to take breaks throughout the day.

  • IDOH Contractor and State Employee break time policy allows for breaks of less than 20 minutes as part of the regular work day, if they are allowed by supervisors.
    • In the link above, people can go to the “Determining Hours Worked” section and read about break time regulations.
    • Breaks are not required, but if they are provided:
      • A break of less than 20 minutes with no work performed is compensable as part of the regular work day.
      • Such breaks can be scheduled if necessary to ensure proper coverage and keep offices open for the public and to monitor usage.
  • These walks can also help State employees meet their Daily Step goal for the Active Health incentive if they are choosing to sync their watch.

PC Refresh Status

The Office of Technology and Cybersecurity is working with IOT to replace employee laptops with newer versions. This is a standard refresh that takes place every four years. Employees should back up their files to OneDrive ahead of the refresh.

Division Directors and Points of Contact: Please continue to work with Michelle Conaway on your Refresh Worksheets. Your Refresh will be scheduled by IOT once your worksheet has been approved by Michelle in OTC and submitted to IOT. Remind your staff to back up all their files onto OneDrive in anticipation of their refresh. Your division's refresh status can be viewed via a view-only spreadsheet here.

Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Conaway.

Next Level Teams Training Opportunities

The Office of Minority Health is excited to announce that IDOH will continue the Next Level Teams training opportunities in 2024. The Indiana State Office of the Chief Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity Officer (CEIOO) has created the Next Level T.E.A.M.S. Training series to help provide guidance and support to State of Indiana Agencies, as they strife to normalize equity across every aspect of state workforce engagement and state services. These trainings seek to help staff members conceptualize how the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion can result in meaningful engagement at every level.

The Office of Minority Health partnered with CEIOO to bring the Next Level T.E.A.M.S. Training series to IDOH, through our continued efforts to support and sustain an INclusive Culture (NLT I) and INclusive Leadership (NLT II) throughout the Agency. Both concepts will be presented through the lens of Civility, Constructive Disagreement, Compassionate Listening, and Championing a Culture of Inclusion in the workplace.

The NLT I and II schedule for IDOH is listed below. You may RSVP for the session(s) of your choice but clicking on the hyperlink to access the Outlook calendar hold.

Next Level Teams I - 10 to 11 a.m.

Next Level Teams II - virtual only; 1 to 2 p.m.

These Next Level Trainings are free. Refreshments are not provided.

If you have questions, please get in touch with Dr. Kimberly Bentley Walton, OMH Health Equity Manager, at, or Patricia Truelove, Accreditation Coordinator, at

Meet our innovation teams!

Click the videos below to meet the leaders of our innovation teams and hear about the work they are doing.

Artificial Intelligence Team

Cannabis Innovation Team

Congenital Syphilis Team
Infant Mortality Data Team
Obesity Innovation Team
Provider Communication Team
School Innovation Team
Substance Use Disorder Team
VPN Updates

IOT has changed the date of implementing its new VPN requirements from June 4, 2024, to July 31, 2024, at 10 p.m. EDT.

The Office of Technology and Cybersecurity (OTC) is working on alternate solutions and will contact potentially impacted users.

Further information is forthcoming. Please contact Michelle Conaway if you have questions or concerns.

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Indiana Health Alert Network (IHAN)