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About the Indiana Historical Bureau

The Indiana State Library and Historical Bureau is open to the public. Patrons who would rather interact remotely can continue to use our online services such as Ask-A-LibrarianINSPIRE, and Digital Collections. To request online assistance, email, call (317)232-3675, or chat with a librarian by clicking on the “Ask-a-Librarian” tab on the side of the Library home page.

Indiana Historical Bureau (map) - for general inquiries
140 North Senate Avenue, Room 130
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2296

  • The Indiana Historical Bureau is located in Indianapolis in Room 130 of the Indiana State Library and Historical Building, just west of the State House.


Deputy Director: Dr. Michella Marino - 317-233-8940

Marker Manager: Casey Pfeiffer - 317-232-2537

Outreach Coordinator and Staff Historian: Kelsey Green - 317-232-2989

Blog Manager and Staff Historian: Nicole Poletika - 317-232-2536

Research Coordinator and Staff Historian: Emily McGuire - 317-232-2581

Digital Initiatives Director: Justin Clark - 317-232-2988

Oral Historian: A.J. Chrapliwy - 317-914-4136

We Want to Hear from You

Please submit your feedback on the marker application process, an IHB program, or IHB research/resources.


Employment Opportunities: The Indiana Historical Bureau is not currently hiring.

Volunteer Opportunities: The Indiana Historical Bureau has volunteer opportunities in research, marker repair and surveying, cataloguing, and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kelsey Green at the email or phone number listed above.

Internship Opportunities: The Indiana Historical Bureau frequently partners with graduate and undergraduate programs and individual students for internships, but we are limited in our capacity. Please reach out to Kelsey Green to learn more.


The Indiana Historical Bureau provides publications, programs, and other opportunities for Indiana citizens of all ages to learn and teach about the history of their communities, the state of Indiana, and their relationships to the nation and the world. The Indiana Historical Bureau also administers the Indiana Historical Marker Program.

Mission statement adopted June 16, 1995 by the Indiana Library and Historical Board
Indiana Code IC 4-23-7.2: Chapter 7.2. Historical Bureau

Using Indiana Historical Bureau research and images

The products of IHB research are meant for public use, including Indiana State Historical Markers, timelines, and essays. Work found on the IHB web site may be used with attribution, as per the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution license.


  • IHB produces most of the content for this site; however, the work of contributing authors is also featured. Contributing authors are always named, whereas IHB research is not attributed to an individual. Contributing authors retain the rights to their works, and as such, this attribution license does not apply. If you would like to use or distribute the work of our contributing authors, such as the essays in Hoosier Voices Now, IHB can put you in contact with the author.
  • Reproduction, distribution, or alteration of images of The Fall of Fort SackvilleAnthony Wayne (Greenville Treaty) Flag image, and the state banner images are prohibited without the express consent of the Indiana Historical Bureau.
  • Images of the Governors’ Portraits are used courtesy of the Indiana State Museum, which holds the rights. Contact the ISM Registrar for image use restrictions and reproduction requests.
  • In addition, IHB research files are open for public inspection according to state access to public records laws. To view research files during regular business hours, please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Indiana Historical Bureau Blog and Podcast

Follow us on our blog at:

The Indiana History Blog

and our podcast at:

Talking Hoosier History

Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative

ILOHI: Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative

Other Links/Projects

Indiana Almanac

Bennett-Tinsley Student Paper Award

Primary Source Newsletter