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Past Marker Dedications

Unveiling an Indiana Historical Marker

Learn About 2017 Marker Dedications

Reports and/or images from marker dedications held from 2008-2017 are archived below.

Follow IHB's Facebook page to see photos from other marker dedications and to learn more about upcoming programs.

2017 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationMore Info
Indians Murdered 1824PendletonMarch 22 
Passenger PigeonMetamoraApril 3 
Branch McCrackenMonroviaApril 19 
Little Sisters of the PoorIndianapolisMay 20 
T.C. Steele Home, Studio, and GardensNashvilleMay 20 
Adrian Parsons, 1846-1929 / Indiana's Soybean PioneerAvonJune 10 
Kenneth RexrothSouth BendJune 29 
Better Homes of South BendSouth BendJuly 8 
Red Skelton / "One of America's Clowns"VincennesJuly 14 
Wanted by FBI / Captured by G-MenWest College CornerAugust 16 
"Cannon Ball" BakerIndianapolisSeptember 10 
Union Literary InstituteUnion CitySeptember 24 
Demise of German NewspapersIndianapolisOctober 6 
Caroline Scott HarrisonIndianapolisOctober 27 

2016 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationMore Info
Polly Strong Slavery CaseCorydonApril 20 
Brown County Bluegrass MusicMorgantownJune 7 
Roberts SettlementAtlantaJuly 2 
Indiana State FlagMooresvilleAugust 6 
James OverallIndianapolisSeptember 29 
Central State HospitalIndianapolisOctober 6 
Senate Avenue YMCAIndianapolisOctober 20 
Bilby Steel TowerOsgoodNovember 5 
Chapman HarrisMadisonNovember 18 

2015 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationMore Info
Allison Machine ShopSpeedwayMay 7Photos
Samuel PlatoMarionJuly 25Photos
Steele Studio and HerronIndianapolisAugust 21Photos

2014 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationPress
Carl FisherGreensburgMay 16 
Froebel SchoolGaryMay 9 
Ahavath SholomLigonierAugust 31Marker Sponsor Blog
Virginia Claypool MeredithCambridge CitySeptember 14IHB Blog
Stewart Settlement HouseGaryOctober 31IHB Blog
Helen GougarLafayetteNovember 10 

2013 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationPress
St. Vincent's HospitalIndianapolisApril 26Marker Sponsor Video
Abolitionists MobbedPendletonJune 30 
Ralph F. GatesColumbia CityJuly 2 
Cerealine Manufacturing Co.ColumbusAugust 4IHB Image Gallery
George Washington JulianCentervilleAugust 4IHB Image Gallery
Gene Stratton-PorterRome CityAugust 17 
Indianapolis TimesIndianapolisOctober 11 
Amanda WayWinchesterOctober 19 

2012 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationPress
John Work Home and MillCharlestownJanuary 7 
Isaac BlackfordIndianapolisMarch 6 
Mob ViolenceNew AlbanyAugust 18 
Juliet V. StraussRockvilleSeptember 22 
Henry S. LaneCrawfordsville  

2011 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationDate of DedicationPress
Lucy Higgs NicholsNew AlbanyApril 9 
Washington Park BaseballIndianapolisJuly 22Indianapolis Recorder coverage
Tecumseh and HarrisonVincennesJuly 23 
State Seminary of IndianaBloomingtonAugust 26 
Hemingray Glass CompanyMuncieSeptember 4Marker Sponsor video
Marion Branch, NHDVSMarionOctober 6 
Benack's VillagePotawatomi Wildlife ParkOctober 8 
Whetzel TraceShelbyvilleDecember 11 

Archived Dedication Information (2008-2010)

2010 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationMapDate of DedicationPhotos
or Press
State Capitol/Civil War Arsenal, 1861-1864IndianapolisMapDec. 16Press
Randolph County QuakersWinchesterMapOct. 17Photos
William Merritt ChaseNinevehMapOct. 9Photos
Lincoln & Dixie HighwaysSouth BendMapOct. 2Photos

2009 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationMapDate of DedicationPhotos
or Press
Indianapolis PropylaeumIndianapolisMapSept. 24Photos
Marshall "Major" TaylorIndianapolisMapAugust 13Photos
Mary ClarkVincennesMapJune 27Photos
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal ChurchIndianapolisMapJune 20Photos
Edwin Way TealeChesterton (Furnessville)MapMay 30Photos
Crawfordsville's Carnegie LibraryCrawfordsvilleMapMay 1Photos
Saint Theodora GuerinSaint Mary-of-the-WoodsMapApril 29Photos
Charles GordoneElkhartMapApril 18Photos
The Lincoln Funeral TrainIndianapolisMapMarch 4Photos
Lee L. DriverWinchesterMapFebruary 23Photos

2008 Marker Dedications

Title of MarkerLocationMapDate of DedicationPhotos
or Press
Alexander McClureSeymourMapDecember 19            Photos
Kappa Alpha PsiBloomingtonMapOctober 25Photos
Rhodes Family IncidentWestfieldMap October 9Photos 
Cataract Falls Covered Bridge      CataractMap October 5Photos 
Oswell WrightCorydonMapAugust 16Photos 
Hannah TolliverJeffersonville                         MapAugust 15 Photos 
St. Vincent's InfirmaryIndianapolisMapJune 16Photos
Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company     MuncieMapMay 28 Photos
Sullivan Carnegie LibrarySullivanMapMay 3Photos 
Medora Shale Brick PlantMedoraMapMay 3Photos
James Frederick HanleyRensselaerMapAprilPhotos
Benjamin Banneker SchoolBloomingtonMapFebruary 10Photos

Archived Dedication Photographs (1998-2008)