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Apply for a Marker

2025 Apply for Marker Banner

Applying for an Indiana State Historical Marker

Thank you for your interest in the Indiana State Historical Marker Program!  IHB will begin accepting applications for new marker topics in April 2025.

Please consult our Guidelines and Procedures and Policies for detailed information about the Marker Program, including the process to obtain a marker, requirements, restrictions on topics, and costs.

Information about the 2025-2026 marker application cycle will be available early this spring. Last year's 2024-2025 Marker Application is available as a Word or PDF document and can serve as a guide as you begin to prepare for the 2025-2026 cycle.

In order to be considered, topics must:
  • Demonstrate statewide significance
  • Be substantiated with primary source documentation
    • Consult this Primary Source Sampler for examples of types of primary sources that might help as you complete your application.
    • Download a copy of our Research Checklist. This list of resources is the checklist IHB researchers use when starting a new research project. It includes links to digital resources as well as national, state, and regional repositories. Trouble accessing checklist? Click here.
  • Applications should be postmarked or emailed to the attention of Casey Pfeiffer by 11:59 PM EST on July 11, 2025.
  • The Indiana Library and Historical Board will make decisions on the individual applications at their September meeting based upon recommendations from Historical Bureau staff and IHB's marker advisory committees.  Historical Bureau staff will notify applicants about the decisions the week after the ILHB vote.

Application Process Overview:

The application process for an Indiana State Historical Marker is rigorous to ensure that:
  • Marker texts are accurate and provide historical context,
  • Markers are installed at appropriate sites, and
  • Necessary permissions have been obtained
The number of markers installed annually has increased dramatically over the last few years. Please note though that submission of a Marker Application does not guarantee that the Marker Application will be successful.
  • IHB staff will carefully review every application submitted; the number and quality of 2025 applications submitted will be a factor in determining the number of applications approved to move forward.
  • IHB staff performs much of the final research and editing required for the marker; however, the applicant must provide reliable, locally-available primary source materials for each point on a marker. A successful marker application involves collaboration between IHB and marker applicants.

Topic Considerations for 2025-2026 Markers:

  • IHB encourages applications for topics that will celebrate notable anniversaries in 2026.  For instance, topics that are celebrating semi-centennials (1976), 75 year anniversaries (1951), centennials (1926), sesquicentennials (1876), 175 year anniversaries (1851), bicentennials (1826), etc. are particularly welcome. This includes topics related to the nation's semiquincentennial (250th anniversary).  
  • IHB guidelines stipulate that no individual may be the topic of a marker until twenty years after his or her death.  Thus, notable Hoosiers who died in 2006 or earlier can be application candidates for markers placed in 2026. It is at the discretion of the Indiana Library and Historical Board, upon the recommendation of IHB, to make any exceptions to this guideline.
  • IHB encourages topics that help fill geographical or subject gaps in the historical marker collection.

Cost of an Indiana State Historical Marker

An Indiana State Historical Marker for the 2025-2026 application cycle will cost $3,300. The applicant (an individual or an organization/institution) must raise the full cost of an Indiana State Historical Marker.

Need HELP?

If at any time during the process you have questions or need assistance, please contact Casey Pfeiffer, Marker Program Manager:

Reminder: The 2025 Marker Application will be available in April 2025.

Download the 2024 Marker Application

We Want to Hear from You

Submit your feedback on the state historical marker program.