Most ordinary individuals know very little about the life and activities of George Rogers Clark after the American Revolution.
Clark petitioned the Virginia General Assembly as early as 1791, but he was never repaid the funds he had expended or signed for during his Illinois campaign. He remained dependent on others and bitter about the betrayal of his trust and service.
In 1812, Virginia finally awarded Clark a ceremonial sword and a lifetime pension of $400 a year.
Clark was, however, well-thought of by prominent individuals, loved by his family, and active in public service and scientific endeavors.
To the end of his life, Clark remained attentive to his men, as he headed the Commission for the land grants to his soldiers for their service in the Illinois campaign.
Clark as Brigadier General 1781
Courtesy Rita Ostendorf.
This original painting by Dr. Lloyd Ostendorf, circa 1975, depicts Clark when he first became a Brigadier General of the Virginia State Militia in 1781 at the age of 29.
The research, which forms the basis for this depiction, was completed by Dr. Wayne C. Temple. Temple researched the uniform based on primary sources such as letters, account books, artifacts, and contemporary portraits of other persons from the period.
The artist used descriptions of Clark and the portraits of him as an older man.
The complete statement by Temple was published with the portrait in the February 1979 issue of the Indiana History Bulletin, Vol. 56, pp. 21, 23-24.
225th Anniversary Exhibit
- Home
- Under Many Nations
- American Revolution in the East
- American Revolution in the West
- Clark Goes West
- Year of the "Bloody Sevens"
- Clark's Daring Plan
- The Campaign Begins
- Taking Kaskaskia
- Taking Cahokia
- Taking Fort Sackville
- Peace with the Indians
- The British Retake Fort Sackville
- Clark Learns about Hamilton's Move
- March to Vincennes - February 5, 1779
- March to Vincennes - February 15, 1779
- March to Vincennes - February 17, 1779
- March to Vincennes - February 22, 1779
- March to Vincennes - February 23, 1779 - The Dry Ground
- March to Vincennes - February 23, 1779 - Warriors Island
- March to Vincennes - February 23, 1779 - Clark Attacks the Fort
- The Fort under Siege - February 24, 1779
- Terms of Surrender Determined - February 24, 1779
- Clark and the End of the American Revolution
- Clark after the American Revolution
- Plat of Clark's Grant
- Additional Aspects of Clark's Life and Work
- Clark's Death
- Celebrating Clark
- Note on the Sources
- Who's Who
- Timeline
- Exhibit Bibliography
- Contributing Organizations