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IDEM Senior Staff Bios

Hilary Alderete

Hilary Alderete

Title: Chief of Staff

Degree(s): Masters of Public Affairs in Policy Analysis from O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs; Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Rhetorical Advocacy from Purdue University.

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Hilary joined IDEM in 2022 as the agency’s Chief Financial Officer. She was promoted to Chief of Staff in January 2025. During her tenure at IDEM, Hilary has worked to change the Title V structural deficit into a surplus, improve internal controls and financial reporting, overseeing the implementation of the Project Management Office (PMO) and focusing on developing stronger relationships between each of the Offices and Finance. Prior to coming to IDEM, Hilary served Hoosiers in state government at the State Budget Agency and Department of Correction.

William Anthony

William Anthony

Title: General Counsel, Office of Legal Counsel and Criminal Investigations

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Political Science from the University of Southern Indiana; Doctor of Jurisprudence from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: William served as chief counsel of the Advisory Division within the Office of the Indiana Attorney General and has also held various management and advisory roles at the municipal level, concentrating on code enforcement, permitting/licensing, and public works.

Valerie Tachtiris

Valerie Tachtiris

Title: Deputy General Counsel, Office of Legal Counsel and Criminal Investigations

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Environmental Administration from the University of Evansville; Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Valerie has over twenty years of experience in environmental law and litigation, most notably having spent almost ten years at the Indiana Attorney General’s Office where she defended and prosecuted environmental matters for state agencies including the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Department of Health, and Department of Natural Resources in matters before administrative, state, and federal courts.

Matthew Stuckey

Matthew Stuckey

Title: Assistant Commissioner, Office of Air Quality

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Indiana University – School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Matthew started at IDEM in 1993 in the Office of Management and Budget as a Stores Clerk. He was hired by IDEM’s Office of Enforcement in 1994 as a case manager where he handled air cases and represented enforcement on OAQ work groups. In 2005, Matt transferred to OAQ as a senior environmental manager in the New Source Review Section of the Permits Branch. He became section chief of that section in 2006. In 2007, Matt became the deputy chief of the Permits Branch and not long after was promoted to the chief of the Permits Branch.

Phil Perry

Phil Perry

Title: Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Air Quality

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and Technology from Ball State University

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Phil has over 37 years of experience working the in environmental field starting with the City of Indianapolis, Air Pollution Control Division in 1984 and moving onto IDEM in 1989 with the Office of Solid and Hazard Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Permitting for 5 years. He has worked in the Office of Air Quality since 1994 and previously served as the Compliance and Enforcement Branch Chief for the last 22 years.

Brian Wolff

AC Brian Wolff

Title: Assistant Commissioner, Office of Land Quality

Degree(s): Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Indiana University Bloomington with a concentration in Ecology and Ornithology

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Brian has worked for IDEM for over 23 years. He was first hired into the Office of Land Quality in the summer of 2000 and worked for 4+ years in the Operations and Science Services sections. He later moved to the Office of Air Quality, working on human health risk assessments, air monitoring data analyses, air toxics emissions inventory, environmental justice, and project management. After 8+ years, Brian moved to the Office of Water Quality as Branch Chief of the Surface Water and Operations Branch. Brian oversaw wetlands permitting and compliance, stormwater permitting and compliance, MS4s, regional sewer districts, and water enforcement and operations.

Andrew Pappas

Title: Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Land Quality

Degree(s): Master of Public Health, Environmental Science, Indiana University School of Medicine; Bachelor of Arts, Public Relations, Purdue University

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Andrew has over 15 years of environmental and public health experience in both public and private sector. Before joining IDEM’s Office of Land Quality as a Technical Environmental Specialist, Andrew worked for the Indiana Department of Health’s Environmental Public Health Division managing several statewide regulatory programs and worked with IDEM on programs including Fish Consumption Advisory, PFAS, private water wells, and cancer cluster inquires. His experience spans regulatory program management, Federal grants and program management, emergency response, technology management, and public outreach campaigns.

Colleen Rennaker

Colleen Rennaker

Title: Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Land Quality

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science from Purdue University in Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences and Wildlife Management

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Colleen started at IDEM in 2016 as an Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF) Claim reviewer. She has served as the Section Chief of the UST Operations Section and the Product Owner for the Tanks Modernization Project, focused on developing a database for Indiana’s UST program.

Martha Clark Mettler

photo: Martha Clark-Mettler AC Water Quality

Title: Assistant Commissioner, Office of Water Quality

Degree(s): Master of Planning in Environmental Planning from Indiana University; Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs from Indiana University.

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Martha has been with IDEM in the Office of Water Quality since 1995. She has held the positions of Branch Chief of the Watershed Planning Branch and also the Section Chief of the Ground Water Section.

Paul Higginbotham

Paul Higginbotham

Title: Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Water Quality

Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts in Biology, with a minor in Criminal Justice, from Anderson University.

Special license(s): N/A

Experience: Paul has been with IDEM since 1992. He was Branch Chief of the Permits Branch in the Office of Water Quality for nine years and also served as the Solid Waste–Underground Storage Tank Enforcement Section Chief in the Office of Land Quality.

Bob Lugar

Bob Lugar

Title: Assistant Commissioner, Office of Program Support

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Political Science, Ball State University

Special license(s): IDEM Class 2 Municipal Wastewater Operator and IDEM Class B Industrial Wastewater Operator

Experience: Bob has 22 years of operational and managerial experience in water, industrial wastewater, and municipal wastewater fields. He additionally, spent 4 years supervising utility infrastructure and wastewater plant construction.

Carl J. Wodrich

Carl Wodrich

Title: Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Program Support

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology, Eastern Illinois University; Master of Science in Biology, Eastern Illinois University

Special license(s): N/A

Carl has over 21 years of experience in the environmental and natural resources field and began his career in 2000 as a General Summer Assistant/Intern and as an intermittent staff member with the Office of Water Quality’s Assessment Branch. Carl spent almost six years with IDEM that also included time spent managing Section 319 water quality grants and as a project manager in the Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) program at IDEM until 2006 when he began his tenure with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources as their NRDA Program Director. Carl was then promoted to Director of Ecological Services for the DNR when, in addition to his work on the Grand Calumet River in Northwest Indiana, he was tasked with coordinating the development and approval of the agency’s in-lieu fee (ILF) program for stream and wetland mitigation and in 2014 was awarded the Colonel Richard Lieber Award of Excellence (DNR Employee of the Year) for his efforts. Carl most recently served as the Assistant Director of the Division of Land Acquisition managing these two programs prior to his return to IDEM to serve as the Deputy Assistant Commissioner for OPS.