You can find Indiana-licensed asbestos professionals, including inspectors, contractors, and training course providers, in the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency’s free Search and Verify database. To perform a search:
- Go to the Search and Verify page,
- Click on Get Started, which defaults to Search for a Licensed Person.
- Select your choices from the drop-down menus, fill in the appropriate blank fields, and click on the Search button.
- If searching for a person:
- Choose Asbestos under Profession
- Choose All for License Type or use the drop-down menu to specify Asbestos Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner, Asbestos Project Designer, Asbestos Project Supervisor, or Asbestos Worker
- If searching for a facility:
- Choose Asbestos under Profession
- Choose All for License Type or use the drop-down menu to specify Asbestos Contractor or Asbestos Training Course Provider
- If searching for a person:
IDEM provides a list of Training Course Providers [PDF] with the courses they offer.