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Drinking Water and Lead

IDEM regulates Indiana’s public water systems through inspecting facilities, reviewing reports submitted by water systems, providing technical assistance, and responding to inquiries about water quality.

IDEM requires public water systems to test for lead, and when necessary, take action to educate and protect consumers.

In addition, IDEM works with professional trade associations to ensure operators, local government officials, and property owners have reliable information.

The EPA has set a goal to remove 100% of lead service lines in use. In 2021, U.S. EPA adopted the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) which require public water systems to perform additional actions to better protect communities from exposure to lead in drinking water. One of these actions requires public water systems to complete a Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) of all lines in their system, including the portions owned by the utility and the customer. Public water systems in Indiana were required to submit LSLIs to IDEM by Oct. 16, 2024. Public water systems should also be validating inventories and determining locations with lead connectors between now and 2027.

Additional provisions of the LCRR that took effect on October 16, 2024 are annual communication by the utility to homes connected to lead service lines, and additional requirements for public notification after a lead action level exceedance.

Provisions that take effect beginning in late 2027 include: lead testing at schools and childcare facilities connected to public water systems, replacement of lead service lines, and revisions to the sampling procedure and sampling locations using for lead and copper testing.

EPA adopted the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) on October 30, 2024.

Lead Service Line Inventories

Referenced forms are available on the IDEM Agency Forms page.

Lead Service Line Replacement (All Community and Non-transient/Non-community systems)

General Information About Lead and Drinking Water for All Water Systems

Indiana State Department of Health - Lead

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Lead

U.S. EPA - Lead

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